(TheMadIsraeli provides these quick notes about a Turkish band’s debut release.)
Thrown To The Sun is a band without much readily available public information, at least as far as I can tell. They are a progressive death metal band from Istanbul and… that’s about it. You can check them out on Facebook here, and I’m advising you to do so.
This little discovery was the product of one of my random downloading sprees. I was intrigued by the album art, as well as the band’s geographic location, since as we know, not much Turkish metal makes its way into the ears of Western listeners.
I pressed play and so began the album’s intro, “Adrift”. By the album’s end, I had learned that what we have here, from start to finish, is an awesome mix of the progressive tendencies of Death mixed with the Middle Eastern stylings of Melechesh. Suffice it to say, this shit is quite good, with melodic riffs interlaced with tasteful moments of chaos, jarring tempo changes, and some nice growl-to-clean vocal interplay. (more after the jump . . .)
The music is indeed a bit underdeveloped, but if these guys keep going, I think they’ll turn out to be pretty fucking awesome. You can download their debut Of Oceans and Raindrops here (http://www.throwntothesun.com/) courtesy of the band. The download comes with all the album artwork as well. Quite nifty. Songs to follow:
Death and Melechesh? That’s all I need to hear. Downloading now.
That first song convinced me to download the album. Giving it a go.
give it a rate, dude
The album sounds good but in my opinion drums job is not good enough and smells like not professional. Is it fake?
Being from Istanbul would suggest this was a home done job if you ask me.
how the hell was that related with being from Istanbul ? Just because you don’t know any turkish band that it doesn’t mean that in Turkey people do not have stuff to kick your ass with their metal.it’s the shittiest comment i’ve ever seen.
What you said is understandable man.
I am a little related with that comment. Drum job is not clear enough. Other staff sounds fine
Not that bad really. Underdeveloped yes, but it does have promise. They also have a Bandcamp: http://throwntothesun.bandcamp.com/
I’ve been listening to this one for some 3-4 days now and I can still discover something new each time I focus on some other instrument. songs are somewhat progressive but not in the sake of being so. overall I tound it to be kickass album from a band that prolly very few knew. give it a shot and you wont regret.