Apr 072014

Only three weeks stand between us and the release of Shadows of the Dying Sun, the sixth album by Finland’s Insomnium. It’s both a summing up of where the band have come from and a step ahead, a forward movement that not only embodies the sounds and styles which have drawn increasing numbers of fans to their side but also moves their music in new directions. And as you might guess from that last sentence, it’s a diverse assembly of songs, with some that are faster and heavier than you might expect, and some that are softer. But throughout, the band once ago show their mastery at writing melodies that stay with you.

Shadows of the Dying Sun also marks the first album appearance of the band’s new guitarist Markus Vanhala, who has been a member of Omnium Gatherum throughout their career and has now collaborated with Ville Friman in the songwriting on Shadows.

One new song from the album (“Revelations”) has already debuted, and today we’re delighted to help premiere a second one — “While We Sleep” — and this one comes in the form of a new music video, directed by Dariusz Szermanowicz and produced by Poland’s Grupa 13. Unless we miss our guess, “While We Sleep” is one of the new album’s songs that’s going to get its hooks into listeners’ heads really hard, really fast.

It’s a driving gallop with a highly infectious melody that pulses and shimmers (though one still tinged with melancholy), and it features a closing guitar solo by Vanhala that’s an album highlight. And you’ll hear Ville Friman’s clean vocals early — along with Niilo Sevänen’s gravelly snarls.

The video is also really well done, too. You’ll see.

Shadows of the Dying Sun will be released in North America on April 29 by Century Media and can be pre-ordered here. Below, feast your eyes and ears on “While We Sleep”, and in case you missed the previous lyric video for “Revelations”, you’ll find that one below as well.





  1. More are the songs that I listen and more I can realize how “Insomnium” are capable to create memorable “Melodic Death” starting from “Ephemeral” to these two songs, probably “Shadows Of The The Dying Sun” will rule and the video is really well done too, I’m glad there’s just three weeks left before the chance to hear their awesome music!

  2. Not bad, not bad. I’m not getting as much of a raging hardon as everyone seems to be, but each to his own.

    Btw, Kaunis Kuolematon also put out a new video recently: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GE4lHJlvWIc

    • Exactly this. Thus far the tracks I’ve heard remind me more of Across the Dark than any of their other releases, which was admittedly their weakest release. Still a weak release from Insomnium is an enjoyable one by itself, but I fear I won’t be as blown away as by One For Sorrow…

      • Nonsense. “Across The Dark” was a absolute masterpiece and absurd to call it their “weakest release”

        • It was weaker than both One For Sorrow and Above The Weeping World in my opinion. But then very few albums live up to Above The Weeping world… in my opinion.

        • True in the sense that absolutely speaking (so disregarding the fact that we’re talking about Insomnium) it was still an excellent album; it however focused more on the catchy side of Insomnium’s trademark sound – with variable results – and was in my opinion but a shadow of what Above the Weeping World was. Also Across the Dark’s follow-up – One With Sorrow – succeeded better in combining modern catchiness with their traditional sound I’d say.

          Trust me, I am a huge Insomnium fan, I own every album and attend every show if I can, but that does not mean that I can still be somewhat critical. However, I have not heard the whole album yet so maybe the other 7 songs that I have not heard yet will blow me away.

      • Arguing about a favorite Insomnium album is like arguing about which Swedish bikini model is hotter. You literally CANNOT go wrong.

        Also, this song is absolutely bloody gorgeous. as DGR said below, THAT SOLO.

    • Thank you for the link, another album that I’m waiting for!

    • Decent track nonetheless especially the part from the bridge section on. Definitely better than Revelations. yet again it kinda comes off as ‘heard before’. Hope they include something reminiscent of the old Since the Day.. and Above a Weeping World material, then again that might sound a bit aged now.


  4. After listening to the singles released for this album and One For Sorrow, I am for sure getting both. However, I am quite new to the band. So what should be my third album from these Finnish gents? Above The Weeping World, Across The Dark, or perhaps another?

    • Above The Weeping World.

      • An addendum: I love that disc so much I am yearly tempted to write about it for this site. I’ve done it once before for another site. It’s an amazing album.

    • I agree with DGR, definitely Above the Weeping World. That’s where I got on board the Insomnium train, and it will never lose its magic for me.

      • Thank you, DGR and thank you, Islander. I shall get Above The Weeping World along with One For Sorrow, and Shadows Of The Dying Sun.

  5. I love it 2

  6. Again, a matter and look forward to more new things that have hearts and your incredible fan

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