Jun 132024

Abigorum was founded by Aleksey “Satanath” Korolyov in Saint Petersburg, Russia more than a decade ago. Since then, much has happened to the band, both in its membership and location as well as its musical evolution, which could be called atmospheric black metal but has involved other genre explorations.

Abigorum now consists (as it has for some years) of Korolyov, who moved from Russia to Georgia in March 2022, and his German collaborator Tino “Fluch” Thiele. And their new third album, Foretaste of Justice, is a sign of further evolution. The band explains

Foretaste of Justice is an important chapter in the history of the project, whose genre has changed again, becoming even more melodic and epic. Comparing it to the previous works, the band’s departure from deliberate roughness and gloomy rawness in the music to well thought-out song structures and creating a spiritually uplifting atmosphere is clearly noticeable.

The sound itself did not become light, but retained anger and pain, especially in the lyrics. The album absorbed all the experiences and thoughts of the musicians over the years, which makes it truly philosophical.

Foretaste of Justice will be jointly released on August 13th by Satanath Records along with the German labels Vegvisir Distribution, No Balls Records, and Fetzner Death Records. What we have for you today is the video premiere of the album’s first single, and the second song on the track list, “Effortlessly Into the Darkness (Mühelos in die Dunkelheit)“.

This first single bears out the band’s comments about the album quoted above. The riffing comes in ringing, harmonized waves that rise and fall, thoroughly immersing the listener in a hybrid of dark moods, both grim and distressing, as if portraying a kind of yearning that fears it won’t be answered.

Beneath those moving waves, rocking rhythms throb and bounce, and above them, tormented screams and wolfish howls scar the senses with their searing intensity. The music rises higher in its striving, but also descends, becoming more hopeless.

The whirring and sizzling guitar tones create a mesmerizing effect, reach expansive zeniths that are inspiring, and even glorious — but the vocals are also doubled, for added lacerating impact. By the majestic end, those melodies have quickly become memorable, and they do indeed sound spriritually uplifting

For the new album, Korolyov performed drums and keys and wrote the lyrics for the 8th song, and Thiele performed vocals, guitars, and bass, and wrote lyrics for six of the songs. The album also features guest performances by vocalists Mitka Akkoyun, Dev (Divahar), Gvantsa Giorgadze (Askeesi/Deadsec), and Aina (Blackthorn). Mitka Akkoyun also performed violin on the fourth song.

The album features artwork created by Noctember. It will be released on digipak CD (500 copies), black vinyl (100 copies), yellow vinyl (100 copies), and yellow-blue splatter vinyl (100 copies). T-shirts will also be available soon.

The album is dedicated to Juha “Agathon” Hintikka (6.06.1968-30.05.2022) from Gloomy Grim, Ilya Trunov (28.02.1988-3.06.2021) from Daat, and Evgeny Pilnikov (14.07.1993-18.09.2023) from Wintaar.



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