Feb 072010

No, you didn’t come to the wrong site by mistake. This isn’t a sports blog, no way no how. But we gotta make one tiny exception today, not just because today is Super Bowl Sunday — because that alone wouldn’t be enough to cause a departure from our usual subject matter — but because it’s Super Bowl Sunday AND THE NEW ORLEANS SAINTS ARE PLAYING!

Why do we care? Has a little something to do with a few generations on my father’s side of the family coming from Southern Louisiana, a little something to do with New Orleans being an awesome town that has weathered one shitstorm of bad luck after another, a little something  to do with the town and the people who live there being about as far outside the mainstream as extreme metal, and a little something to do with our instinctive affinity for the underdog in just about any circumstance.

Besides, if the Saints lose there will still be a bigger party in NOLA than there will be in Indianapolis if the Colts win.

So, we gotta show the Saints some love today, and in honor of the occasion, who better to bring you some parting thoughts before gametime than Ben Falgoust and Sammy Duet from Goatwhore — one of the best extreme metal bands in creation (and certainly the best from New Orleans).

So watch it.  It will bring a big smile to your face, and you’ll also see where the title to this post came from.

Goatwhore’s Pre-Super Bowl thoughts

Metal Blade Records | MySpace Music Videos

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