Nov 242010

Back in early September, we reviewed Widow Sunday‘s 2010 album, In These Rusted Veins (here). We were mighty impressed with this band’s range of musical flavors, and mighty happy with how much fun we had listening to the album. Here’s one excerpt from our review:

The instrumental work on In These Rusted Veins is tight and capable, the songs are an infectious brew of shuddering verses and melodic choruses, and the production is top-notch, delivering a powerful punch — clear and defined when it needs to be, and a distorted cacophony when the song calls for it. And in the vocal department, Jacob Falconer proves himself to be a human chameleon with an impressive range — moving from hardcore howls to death-metal growls to almost-melodic yowls.

We added one song in our review for you to stream, and introduced it this way: “You want something with start-stop hammering, a la Meshuggah, with a big hooky chorus, a nice bass sweep, off-kilter machine-gunning on the drums, and an industrial vibe — kind of like Fear Factory or Alien-era Strapping Young Lad, but without the clean singing? Try ‘Forever Sleep’.”

Why are we reprising all this today? Well, it’s because Widow Sunday has just released an official music video for that very same “Forever Sleep” song. The song is just as much fun as it was back in September, and the video is sweet, too — shots of the band performing in a club and a little fatalistic story interspersed with the performance footage. Check out the video after the jump.


  1. Good song! Though a shame they put in those synths. Intro is the best part!

  2. Intro IS great. I was a bit jarred by the synths when I first heard the song, but they’ve grown on me the more I’ve listened to it. They’re not present on all the album’s songs. As we wrote in our earlier review, the musical styles on the album are all over the map.

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