Wasn’t so long ago that we had a pair of posts about cover songs (Andy’s special Synn Report on covers and my musings about the pros and cons of covers, prompted by Anachronaeon‘s cover of Iron Maiden). We followed that in short order with news of an awesome-looking cover album by Dying Fetus (here). Seems to be the season for covers, because late yesterday we got word about an EP by Atlanta’s From Exile that we’ve been waiting for, which is devoted to covers of four songs by Nine Inch Nails. It’s called Just Like You Imagined and it’s now available for free download in mp3 or FLAC. We wasted no time listening last night.
So, let’s first review what we discussed in those previous posts and in the accompanying comments about covers: (1) they fail more often than they succeed; (2) there’s no terribly good reason to listen to a cover if it’s just a re-tread of the original, except perhaps for a novelty factor when the normal musical styles of the original and the cover band are poles apart; and (3) the best covers turn the original songs into something new and different, re-sculpting them into new works that stand on their own through variation of the original — but without completely losing connection with the source.
All four of From Exile’s covers succeed, in spades. In both subtle and dramatic ways, depending on the song, they’ve creatively re-shaped the NIN songs, producing music that’s more guitar-driven and more metal. They’ve preserved the spirit of the originals, yet succeeded in adding something of their own, and the results are wonderfully appealing. After the jump, we’ll explore the changes in a bit more detail and juxtapose the originals and the covers for your listening pleasure.
We latched onto From Exile more than a year ago when they debuted their first, self-released album, Monolith. We wrote one of the more glowing reviews we’ve ever published at NCS (here), calling it “a 32-minute treatise on guitar metal.” And then we posted about them again last November. Even if we weren’t already high on From Exile, we would have listened to this EP anyway just because of the cover art by Jorden Haley.
The band is joined once again by Kevin Talley, the very talented drummer from Daath, and one of Daath’s resident guitar wizards, Emil Werstler, also contributes a guest solo that’s mind-blowing.
For this new EP, From Exile picked four songs from NIN’s extensive discography. The original version of the first song, “The Great Below”, is a moody and sometimes uncomfortable piece of music that builds like a threatening storm — but it’s a storm that never fully breaks. For their largely faithful cover, From Exile has trimmed the length of the song and made the guitar parts more active, while vocally matching Trent Reznor’s three-octave climb in intensity. (Speaking of the vocals on this EP, they’re uniformly fantastic.)
In the original, “Ruiner” merges a dance-beat with scratching, pulses of electronic noise, and emphatic melodic keyboards. Reznor’s vocals shift from subdued clean song to distorted shrieking and back to clean vocals in a higher register. The song collapses in the middle, the pace down-shifted and the melody executed by a spastic, distorted guitar lead, and that’s followed by a chunky industrial march and strung-out synthesizer craziness.
In their cover, From Exile preserves the beat and the vocal stylings of the original, but again employ the guitars to drive the melody in place of synthesizers. In that collapsed mid-section, the band features a duet between the bass and a layered, psychedelic guitar. The result is less industrial, less weird, but just as intense.
NIN’s rendition of “Sin” jumps and jerks with a pneumatic beat, Reznor’s snarling vocals only barely humanizing the mechanical precision of the instrumental tracks. It’s a classic piece of dance-floor industrial rock. What has From Exile done with this one? Their version again reduces the presence of inhuman synthesizers and substitutes hammering riffage and Kevin Talley’s rock-style drumming in its place. The cover also injects a squalling, screaming, multi-tracked guitar solo that’s hotter than molten steel.
Instrumental track “A Warm Place”, in the original, is otherworldly, ephemeral, beautiful, anchored only by the low, muffled thrum of the bass line, the keys rising and falling, isolated notes revealing a haunting melody. It’s a mesmerizing, dreamlike song.
From Exile’s take on the song magnifies the rush and power of the sound, and a more flowing, reverberating guitar lead/solo by Emil Werstler replaces the isolated keyboard notes of the original. Werstler’s contribution is a superb and all-too-brief piece of instrumental extravagance, thankfully reprised again near the song’s end. Of all the tracks on the EP, this one made the deepest impression. On this song, the cover exceeds the original.
This widget will allow you to stream all four tracks on the EP. But if you’ve got the time, we’ve got another way to listen to these songs further below.
Just Like You Imagined by From Exile
Whenever you’re ready to download Just Like You Imagined, THIS is the link that will take you to the From Exile page where you can get that done. Unfortunately, if you’re a CD-hound like me, the only way you can get a hard copy of the record is by attending the band’s CD release show at 9 pm on May 14th at the Earl in Atlanta, Georgia. You pay your $8 to get in, and you get the CD free at the door.
One more piece of From Exile news: They’ve finished filming a video for their magnificent version of “A Warm Place”; those photos up above are stills from the video.
Now, if you’re ready to invest some more time in this covers phenomenon — and you may especially appreciate this if you’re a Nine Inch Nails fan — here’s what we’re gonna do: Down below we’re going through the EP track by track, and preceding each track we’ll have the original NIN song, followed by the From Exile cover. It will give you an even more precise appreciation for what From Exile has done with the songs.
[audio:https://www.nocleansinging.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/05/12-The-Great-Below.mp3|titles=NIN – The Great Below]NIN
[audio:https://www.nocleansinging.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/05/01-The-Great-Below.mp3|titles=From Exile – The Great Below]FROM EXILE
[audio:https://www.nocleansinging.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/05/06-Ruiner.mp3|titles=NIN – Ruiner]NIN
[audio:https://www.nocleansinging.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/05/02-Ruiner.mp3|titles=From Exile – Ruiner]FROM EXILE
[audio:https://www.nocleansinging.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/05/07-Sin.mp3|titles=NIN – Sin]NIN
[audio:https://www.nocleansinging.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/05/03-Sin.mp3|titles=From Exile – Sin]FROM EXILE
[audio:https://www.nocleansinging.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/05/10-A-Warm-Place.mp3|titles=NIN – A Warm Place]NIN
[audio:https://www.nocleansinging.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/05/04-A-Warm-Place.mp3|titles=From Exile – A Warm Place]FROM EXILE
Great job by the band. I love free stuff.
They’ve also got a free acoustic song on their Bandcamp page, which is a cool one. Looks like you now have to pay $4 to get their first EP (Monolith) on that page, but it’s worth every penny if you like instrumental metal.
Well, this definitely the best cover of anything I’ve ever heard.
It’s clearly inspired by NIN (a band I adored for far too long to have anything but nostalgia and admiration for them/him), but it’s also clearly merely inspired–not just a going through motions copy.
I quite liked CoB’s cover of Someboy Put Something In My Drink, for example, but in the end it feels like they put as much work into it as I do my Sunday morning, postfuckedupnight/hangover dookie. Which is to say quite a bit, but it’s still nothing impressive.
Well, that was a bad analogy, because the song sounds great, but…nevermind. I’m confused.
COB is famous for its recurring covers, but I think you said it (and I wasn’t confused) — they’ve always sounded like throwaways’s to me, like things they dash off without a lot of effort. That may not be true, but that’s the impression I’m left with.
I would stop short of calling them throwaways, but I always assumed they were included to add as bonus tracks since they were so easy to produce.
Kinda like jug wine! It’s cheap, easy, and enjoyable, but it won’t be winning any competitions.
Well, except for making freshmen puke.
The jug wine of metal! Ima have to remember that line . . .
I’m suddenly really hope Alexi Laiho isn’t reading this……
I just googled his name, to make sure I was spelling it right. You know how google pops up with the most commonly searched words? The second search term was: “Alexi Laiho gay”.
Things like this set people’s tongues to wagging:
Oh. I had no idea.
Well, hell, who hasn’t gotten drunk and made out with all the guys in the room???
I mean, really, I don’t much care if he’s gay or not…though if *I* were gay, I’d be pretty happy know i had a chance.
You crackin’ me up today big-time. Does the gf know about the drunken man-on-man slobberfest?
It’s mostly in my past, but she’s familiar with my hijinks.
It hasn’t helped my attempts to refute her claims that she’s the man in the relationship…
And why is it that you need to refute those claims?
Being emasculated by a tiny Japanese girl is not, surprisingly enough, not one of my turn ons….
And I’m pretty sure she’s gonna break out a strap on soon and tell me to bend over
speaking of forced buttfucking, I listened to the Rebecca Black song, Friday. Why was everyone shitting on it? It should EXACTLY LIKE EVERY OTHER POP SONG EVER.
Thank god I had that Abominable Putridity album to purify my ears.
it should like…???
It SOUNDS like…
Maybe a psychiatrist can explain why people like you and me actually listened to that thing. Perhaps some barely controlled masochistic tendencies? Really, it’s just a bit of amateurish fluff, hardly worth reacting to at all. I think the reason metalheads (among others) have been so vocal in slagging that poor little girl is because it has 135,000,000 YouTube views when some of the best metal bands on the planet can’t get one one-hundredth of a percent of that for what they do.
this sounds fucking great. fucking great! congrats to Eric and the guys and the continued success of From Exile. Thanks for the music lads!