Oct 142011

What I know about rap and crunk music isn’t worth a popcorn fart. It’s not that I think it’s bad, on some objective scale of “blows” to “awesome”. It’s just that, in my current frame of mind, it’s like everything else that isn’t metal: 99% of it is just BORE. ING.

But there are exceptions to every rule, and Lil Jon’s song “Stop Fuckin Wit Me” is one of them. I just heard this yesterday. The only reason I even found out about it is because there’s a metal connection: The song includes samples from Slayer. Some will say this pollutes Slayer, Some will say this pollutes crunk. And some will say this is a crime against all music, and a crime against nature on top of that. But me? I just wanna get in my car, roll the windows down, and blast this shit at random strangers until my speakers plead for mercy, “give em some of my fuckin pain”.

It’s kind of like that Archgoat song we featured yesterday. Sometimes, you just get some irreplaceable pleasure out of annoying the shit out of other people. But beyond that, this song just speaks to me. It gives voice to that small, meek voice that wants to be a lot bigger than it is, the voice that just wants to say, almost every day, to one person or another, who may or may not have it coming to ’em but I’d like to give it to ’em anyway, STOP FUCKIN WIT ME!

Oh yeah, one more thing: Credit to Cormorant for turning me onto this via a FB post, and who would’ve guessed that quite awesome band would be paying attention to this song? It came out years ago, and so some of you may find this to be really old news, but from my perspective if it’s new to me, then it’s just fuckin NEW. (listen after the jump)


[audio:https://www.nocleansinging.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/10/10-Stop-F___in-Wit-Me-Explicit.mp3|titles=Lil Jon – Stop Fuckin Wit Me]


Speaking of rap/crunk + Slayer, there is this (Public Enemy + “Angel of Death” = She Watch Channel Zero (thank you CoMiGa):



And then there’s this: Onyx + Biohazard = “Slam” (thank you Trollfiend)

  64 Responses to “STOP FUCKIN WIT ME”

  1. Oh…oh, god. I’m flashing back to high school.

    …I may or may not have had the album this song was on. And I may or may not have heard it before I ever heard Raining Blood (I may or may not have been into rap before I got into metal).

  2. Yeah, pretty sure I heard a few curse words in there.

  3. I can’t help but think of The Chappell Show. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AEGhVALXUZk&feature=fvst

    I think this is one of the more positive results of metal being sampled in rap. Ice-T used some Black Sabbath to decent effect on the O.G. album and I know I’ve heard others but don’t recall what they were anymore.

    Oh, speaking of Ice-T and Slayer… http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t0JKWeYcwNY

  4. Wouldn’t be the first time Slayer was sampled, Public Enemy did it in 88 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KhHD1emjPTw

    • Wow. I didn’t know that. Cool.

      I actually don’t feel that rap and metal are all that different, as least as far as certain kinds of rap go (“gangsta rap”, mainly, not pop rap). Gangsta rap and metal are both agressive and angry, both willing to explore the darker side of life, and both have plenty of violent lyrical content and imagery (more people probably “die” in rap songs than in death metal songs :P). And I think certain rap artists (Ice T, who actually had a metal band, Lil Jon, and apparently Public Enemy) see that, and use it to good effect.

    • That works. It’s now in the post. Thank you sir.

    • I think it’s safe to say Public Enemy had an appreciation of metal. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V6dUAaftfzw

  5. I think it works really damn well!

    Before I got into metal, I listened to a blend of hip-hop, numetal, and rock. Metal dominates now, so I don’t have time for the old haunts…but I still have a soft spot for good rap.

    Not sure if Lil’ Jon is good or not, but I still like him.

  6. Here’s some irony: most of the time when rap artists sample metal songs, I like the result…but when metal artists sample rap, I hate with the fiery burning hate of a thousand suns.

    And then there’s this:

    I know you’re all going to hate me now.

  7. Saw this one on the facebook thread you linked, an interesting idea sampling Opeth, but I don’t dig the song http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3EXh-mXaGHE&feature=player_embedded

  8. Islander – This was an awesome post. Brought back a lot of memories from my high school days in the early nineties. This may be the push I needed to start to expand my musical boundaries again after being boxed into extreme metal for so long.

    • Why would you do that? Extreme metal has all the variety a well balanced diet needs.

      Well, don’t forget the fiber.

    • Expanding musical boundaries beyond the realm of metal would be an act of treason punishable by . . . uh . . . something harsh. A 48-hour continuous loop of Katy Perry songs?

      • As long as I get to watch her tits bounce all over the place, I will listen to anything you want.

        Russell Brand is one lucky bastard. How did he got lucky enought to marry Katy Perry? I don’t think I would ever be able to stop motorboating those things. They are the epitome of the term “Fun Bags”

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