Feb 102012

This is the third of today’s three single-song posts. I realize that when I started today’s series I said all three songs would be new ones from bands I already knew about, but that’s not the case. I didn’t intend to lie, but I found another song I need to share, and it’s from a band I only discovered today.

The band is Gruesome Glory and they’re from Iceland. Just a few days ago, they added a new song to their SoundCloud page called “Consuming the Anti-Life Equation”, and it’s one hell of a song. The band is relatively young as are its members, but don’t let that fool you. “Consuming the Anti-Life Equation” is technical death metal, but (to quote a recent snarky comment we received about a different band), the music is NOT “mindless wankery”.

True to the band’s name, it’s gruesome, largely thanks to the cadaverous vocals, and yes, it’s full of jabbing riffs, rapidly slithering arpeggios, and other forms of flashy fretwork. But it also has some funk, some groove, and plenty of low-end heft, plus some sweet bass-work. This is making me think of Pestilence.

The band are promising a debut album in 2012, which I think will be worth waiting for. Give this a shot:

“Consuming the Anti-Life Equation”

[soundcloud url=”http://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/35583280″ iframe=”true” /]

The band’s Facebook page is here. They also have three other songs streaming at ReverbNation, so I’m including them in the player below.

get music on iTunes


  1. Mindless wankery 🙂

    • That phrase has often left one perplexed… Is there even such a thing as mindful/thoughtful wankery (in the context of metal guitar playing)?

      • Depends on the listener…for me, no. I find most music where the guitar player is trying to show off their knowledge of musical theory to be rather lifeless and grating. For people who like tech-death, Im sure over-complicated guitar noodling is perfectly acceptable, and even enjoyable

        Also, my comment was done more as a joke. This is not even close to the worst kind of tech-death Ive ever heard, and I usually try to avoid ripping on others peoples taste in any serious capacity on this website. Islander runs a decent website and I try to respect that

        • One did catch on to the joke. But, the argument can still be made that “mindless wankery is mindless”.
          One does enjoy a fair amount of tech-death. But, there isn’t much tech-death that one would be willing to listen to repeatedly, if you know what one means.
          Anyway, would you care to name 5 tech-death bands whose music you don’t consider mindless wankery?

          • Thats a harder question than you may think. Im not a fan of this genre at all, so stuff that others may like Id probably disregard completely. If I was forced to pick Id probably go with Anata, Cryptopsy, Atheist, Immolation(who kind of ride the line of tech), and early Atrocity. I wouldnt consider any of them overly wanky, at least not to the detriment of the music

  2. Consuming the Anti-Life Equation”? Well, one hopes they aren’t really talking about the same Anti-Life Equation that one is thinking of. If they are, it would mean that they are either major comic book nerds, or they spend an excessive amount of time on Wiki’s researching the history of a comic book series.

  3. The song is probably about Darkseid and his eternal quest for the Anti-Life equation

  4. Very good song.

  5. I love mindless wankery of the tech-death style. So, fisticuffs at dawn!!!

    I didn’t get the song title reference, but I also don’t care much for DC….except Batman and Vertigo. Batman because it’s fucking Batman, and Vertigo for publishing some of the best stories ever. And Warren Ellis.

    I want to be Warren Ellis’s slave.

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