I guess this map won’t surprise many people. We published more granular statistics about this phenomenon in a post way back in April 2010 called “Geekery In the Discordance”, reporting on the results of a calculation that counted the number of metal bands by country, as listed in Metal Archives, and then divided them by the total population of each country. That count included inactive bands, and so we found a way to sort the data by limiting them to active bands, and the results were very similar. Most active metal bands per million people:
No. 1: Finland
No. 2: Sweden
No. 3: Norway
I haven’t gone back to see if the numbers have changed in the last two years, though I’d be surprised if they have. Doesn’t look like they have based on the map. One interesting thing I noticed about that map is that if you look closely, Iceland looks pretty red, too.
Thanks to BlashyrkhBloggen for posting the map on Facebook and to Angry Metal Guy for re-posting it. And speaking of Angry Metal Guy . . .
He’s just started streaming a song called “Haire Pneuma Skoteino” by a Greek band called Hail Spirit Noir that’s really different and really good. Psychedelic black prog, or something like that. Go to AMG here and read more about this. Check it out:
[soundcloud url=”http://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/37682274″ iframe=”true” /]
Very cool album art, too:
That Hail Spirit Noir song tickled my giblets in just the right way, sufficiently that I’m willing to overlook the fact that they appear to have used the Chiller font (you know, that crappy horror-es
Whoops. I seem to have submitted before finishing my post. Message continues:
que font that comes pre-packaged with Windows), which I hate almost as much as Comic Sans and slightly more than Papyrus.
I’m clearly font-ignorant. As a Mac loyalist, I have to say that using anything that comes pre-packaged with Windows is just asking for trouble — though forgivable in this case because the song is so fascinating and the rest of the album art is cool, too.
Mac loyalist?!?
Oh, I feel sick…it’s like sleeping with your estranged father and figuring it out only when you both make the same Oh! face.
He lives in the Pacific Northwest…they only allow Macs there.
Yeah, up here in Seattle, Microsoft is like a foreign concept. I mean its not like they have their world headquarters anywhere nearby or anything.
Wait, but isn’t…ohhhhhhhhhhh!
I get it!
It’s funny because you don’t have a head!
headless = fun
head enabled = no fun
So, if I cut the head off of my dick, I’ll have more fun?
Wait! I’ll cut the head off of you dick, and you can tell me if it increases the fun quotient.
I don’t know how to say this politely, but stay away from my goddamned dick! Some day, surely, I will need it for something.
I have it on good authority that that’s fundamentally not true.
(The good authority being the loris I paid in coke-grubs to follow you and slowly poison you with anti-boner pills.)
So, with that in mind, snip snip!
Yet another Finnish word that Google Translate can’t decipher. 🙂
^This almost made one’s day. Almost…
A population of over 1 billion, and so much less than one metal band per million people. Of course, one already had some notion of this. But, seeing the actual statistic is all the more depressing. 😐
But I bet the picture looked worse in India a decade ago. The wheels of progress turn slowly, but they do turn (or some cliched shit like that).
True, that. There does appear to be much more variety these days in the Indian metal / hardcore scene. And some originality too.
This Hail Spirit Noir is PHENOMENAL!!!!!!
Don’t let it sit buried in a post, give it it’s own separate post!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Glad you liked it — and because of your comment I hunted around and discovered that the whole album is now available from iTunes U.S. A separate post is likely . . .
I have no idea how ,my last post ended up looking like that. LOL
I have no idea how my last post ended up looking like that. LOL