Mar 252012

At this rate maybe we’ll get the whole album for free!

About two weeks ago, we featured the official music video by Finland’s Before the Dawn for a song called “Phoenix Rising” from their new album, Rise of the Phoenix. We also included this link for a free download of the song, courtesy of Nuclear Blast (and the download offer is still available).

Yesterday, another song called “Throne of Ice” became available for free download via the Finnish language EMI web site. You have to register on this page to get the download, but it doesn’t seem to be limited to residents of Finland, because I got it. The registration page is in Finnish, but with a little help from Google Translate, I can tell you that the boxes you’ll need to fill out ask for the following info in the following order: a first name, a last name, an e-mail address, a gender selection, and a year of birth. After that is a box with stuff you can sign up for like e-mail alerts (you’ll probably want to uncheck what’s in that box). Then click the “Rekisteroldy” button and you’ll immediately get a download link.

Why am I giving you this tedious step-by-step info? Because the song fuckin’ rocks hard, that’s why. Listen to it after the jump if you don’t believe me. What the hell, we’ll include a stream of “Phoenix Rising” after the jump, too, just in case you missed it the first time.

“Throne of Ice”

[audio:|titles=Before the Dawn – Throne of Ice]

“Phoenix Rising”

[soundcloud url=”″ iframe=”true” /]

  2 Responses to “BEFORE THE DAWN: “THRONE OF ICE””

  1. I find this track to be a step forwards from the previously released “Phoenix Rising” song. This one has more of everything and it just seems catchier. The intro specially gives it a nice touch before the place wrecking speed hits your consciousness.

  2. I thoroughly enjoyed the song. The last minute or so really reminded me of Insomnium.

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