Enslaved at the Quart-festival, photo: Håkon Mosvold Larsen, Scanpix/NTB
“Emperor and Enslaved are two of the most well-known bands in the history of Norwegian extreme metal, and June strangely enough brings tributes to both bands. On June 25th the album A Tribute To Emperor-In Honour Of Icon E will be released, and a week before Önd-A Tribute To Enslaved will see the light of day.”
And so begins an article by Totto Mjelde that appears today on Lydverket, a Norway-based web site affiliated with the Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation, NRK. We’ve written about Totto’s coverage of Norwegian metal in the past, and this most recent piece by him is definitely worth reading. It includes interviews of Raphael Henry (Pictonian Records), the curator of the Enslaved tribute; Ivar Peersen of Enslaved (who, interestingly, plays guitar on Taake’s contribution to the Emperor tribute); Nocturnal, from Tryzna Productions, which is releasing the Emperor tribute along with Candlelight Records; and Ørjan Nordvik of Helheim., who perform on that tribute.
But that’s not all. Totto’s article also includes exclusive streams of two songs from the Enslaved tribute compilation: Ribozyme’s performance of “To The Coast”, and Vreid’s cover of “Lunar Force”.
GO HERE to read and listen to Totto’s feature. After the jump I’ve included the cover art and track lists for both albums.
Ond – A Tribute: Tracklist:
CD 1
01 – ODEM ARCARUM : Convoys to Nothingness (Monumension)
02 – ISLAND : A Monument part III : Floating Diversity (Monumension)
03 – BELENOS : Hordalendingen (Eld)
04 – WODENSTHRONE : Slaget i Skogen Bortenfor (Hordanes Land)
05 – FEN : Resound of Gjallahorn (Yggdrasil)
06 – WOLVES OF AVALON : Essence (Ruun)
07 – DARKENHOLD : Allfadr Odin (Hordanes Land)
08 – ANGANTYR : Eit Auga Til Mimir (Blodhemn)
09 – RIBOZYME : To the Coast (Vertebrae)
10 – AS LIGHT DIES : As fire Swept Clean the Earth (Below the Lights)
CD 2
01 – DORDEDUH : Ruun (Ruun)
02 – KRAKOW : Center (Vertebrae)
03 – FOSCOR : Return to Yggdrasil (Isa)
04 – REVERENCE : Path to Vanir (Ruun)
05 – LUX DIVINA : Loke (Frost)
06 – STAGNANT WATERS : Større enn Tid – Tyngre enn Natt (Mardraum)
07 – VREID : Lunar Force (Isa)
08 – ASMODEE : Hollow Inside (Monumension)
09 – ANGMAR : Midgards Eldar (Vikingligr Veldi)
10 – JANVS : 793 Slaget om Lindinsgarne (Eld)
In Honour of Icon E – Tracklist:
1. SVARTLAV – Introduction
2. SALTUS – Curse You All Men!
3. TROLL – Towards the Pantheon
4. INFER – Ye Entrancemperium
5. DEMONICAL – Night of The Graveless Souls
6. HELHEIM – Witches Sabbath
7. MIDNIGHT ODESSEY – Cosmic Keys to My Creations and Times
8. SILVA NIGRA – Moon Over Kara-Shehr
9. NECRODEATH – Lord of the Storms
10. HORNA – Wrath of the Tyrant
11. KARPATHIA – Ancient Queen
12. ANCESTRAL VOLKHVES – With Strength I Burn
13. MESMERIZED – Empty
14. CRIONICS – The Loss and Curse of Reverence
15. TAAKE – I am The Black Wizards
16. SETHERIAL – Inno A Satana
Pictonian’s web site is here, though I haven’t yet seen info about how to order the Enslaved tribute album. The Emperor tribute is already available for pre-order on Amazon.
I’ll definitely need to check out the Odem Arcarum, Vreid, and Setherial tracks. And possibly Krakow, as they were pretty good when I saw them too.
Wow I’m so excited to hear Taake’s spin on I am the Black Wiards, holy satan goddamn.
need to check this tribute, Enslaved and Emperor will always be one of my favorites!!!!!