In mid-November I wrote a feature about the decision by two landmark metal labels — Earache and Osmose — to establish Bandcamp sites and begin uploading albums from their landmark catalogues for digital distribution. At that point, I had gotten word that Earache was interested in receiving fan feedback on what they should add from the hundreds of albums under their control, so I put in my two cents’ worth with a list of 9 albums.
Since then, many of my wishes have been granted. As previously reported, Earache subsequently added groundbreaking albums from my short wish list by Entombed, Bolt Thrower, and Morbid Angel. And today I got an e-mail alert that they’ve now just added another album from my list — Reek of Putrefaction by Carcass. In addition to the fact that this album occupies a key place in metal history, it’s also timely, given that Carcass are apparently recording a new album.
But that’s not all! Though I missed the news, Earache also recently added yet another album from my list — Extreme Conditions Demand Extreme Responses, the 1992 debut album by Brutal Truth! I feel like Aladdin with a magic lamp and a drunk genie who’s lost count of how many wishes have already been granted.
But that’s still not all . . .
The Earache Bandcamp site now also includes the last album by Woods of Ypres, Grey Skies & Electric Light, plus Outer Isolation by Vektor. Our cups runneth over.
Here’s the link for Earache’s Bandcamp, and after that comes an audible reek of putrefaction.
This French label has specialized mainly in black and death metal, releasing albums over the years by the likes of Rotting Christ, Absu, Benighted, Blasphemy, Dark Tranquillity, Enslaved, Impaled Nazarene, Immortal, Marduk, and many, many more.
When I first wrote about the Osmose Bandcamp, they had started by uploading three albums from Enslaved. They have been extremely busy since then. I checked the site this morning, and I now see almost 60 albums! The list is too long for me to repeat in full here, but it includes albums by many of those bands mentioned above, plus significant releases by the likes of Melechesh, Shining, Lifelover, Angelcorpse, Anorexia Nervosa, and Vital Remains.
Here’s the link to the Osmose Bandcamp, followed by a stream of a couple songs from one of the albums to be found there:
Yeah, I’ve visited the Osmose BC a few times. I’d like it if they changed the layout, though. Scrolling. Scrolling. Scrolling. Scrolling.
And if they uploaded the new Elysian Blaze so I can hear some of it!
Yeah, they should create an index page
You probably won’t see Elysian Blaze or other new albums on it. I think their Bandcamp is meant to be a place you can pick older releases from their roster (and from bands no longer associated with Osmose, like the Relapse Alumni page).
I just want a place where I can hear some of “Blood Geometry” officially. It’s one of those things I’ll either like or just find boring. So I wanna hear some it before I buy it.
Contact them through the Bandcamp, and tell them that.
Good idea Max. Thanks!
It sucks you can only play two tracks per album in the Osmose catalog, if I am checking out something new I gotta hear it all or I am not buying.
I think that’s a mistake, too, but no one asked me.
I agree 100%, and I contacted them through the Bandcamp and told them so. I think you should do the same, both of you
I added that to my other qualms when I emailed them. Hope they change some stuff up.
Excellent post! I like how you put this thing together. Thanks also for the good review. Looking forward to see more.