Feb 112013

“Grinding for a Cure” is a project that started small and eventually exploded. The organizers set up shop and started spreading the word about their mission only in mid-January; I discovered it only a couple of weeks ago. And their mission was (and is) to raise money to fund research into a cure for Alzheimer’s disease — by selling a grindcore compilation.

The compilation was assembled by Dorian Rainwater of Noisear, Christine Coz, and Chris Messina of Swamp Gas, and last night Volume 1 of the comp went live on Bandcamp.

I was pretty proud of the grind/crust/powerviolence comp that Alex Layzell put together with modest help from NCS (which we’re still giving away here). We have 46 tracks on that baby. But Volume 1 of Grinding for a Cure contains . . . 100 tracks! And it looks like the whole thing was pulled together in the space of less than one month. Pretty fuckin’ impressive.

The line-up is pretty fuckin’ impressive, too.

Just to mention a few of my favorites (in addition to the aforementioned Noisear and Swamp Gas), the comp includes music by Discordance Axis, Phobia, Point of Our Resistance (P.O.O.R.), Cara Neir, Ulcer, Antigama, Maruta, Absvrdist, Hivesmasher, The Afternoon Gentlemen, and Total Fucking Destruction.

Alzheimer’s has become such a widespread disease that I suspect most people reading this know someone in their family or in the families of friends who has been struck by it. It has affected my own family directly, and one of my mentors in work and life is fighting it now. It’s a horrible affliction, and trying to find a way of stopping it is an extremely worthy cause. Being able to help financially while getting a motherload of good metal at the same time really is a win-win opportunity.

To find out more about the “Grinding for a Cure” project, visit them on Facebook here. To buy Volume 1 of the comp — for $10 or more — visit the project’s Bandcamp page at this location:


It appears that this project will continue, with a Volume 2 somewhere in our future. So hit these folks up if you’d like to donate your grind to the cause. Here’s the album stream.  FUCK ALZHEIMER’S AND GRIIIIIIIIIIIND!


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