We’re just past the halfway point of 2013, and it seems like a good time to take stock of what the year has delivered so far. As I’ve said before, I’m terrible at making “best of” lists. I overthink it, I agonize over it, I have great difficulty comparing metal across different genres. I have great difficulty choosing among albums I like even within a specific genre. When I contemplate making a “best of the year” list, my brain tends to just lock up like an engine that’s had a hole punched in the oil pan. So I’m not providing a list of my own — and I haven’t told my fellow writers that I’m doing this post, so I don’t have anything from them to share either.
No, the main point of this post is to solicit your choices. That’s more fun anyway. I mean, it’s clear that NCS readers have superb taste, because you’re reading NCS; I rest my case. It’s also clear from the comments we get that the readers at this site have diverse interests in metal and, with a few exceptions (those being the people who disagree with me), are highly intelligent. So I’m looking forward to seeing what you come up with. That’s one of the best reasons to read lists of the year’s best metal — to make new discoveries — in addition to seeing confirmation of the wisdom of your own opinions.
So, in the comments to this post, please leave your lists of the best 2013 metal albums and EPs you’ve heard so far this year. Explanations or descriptions are welcome, but don’t feel you have to make time for that; a simple list is fine, too. A couple more things before you start pecking away on your keyboards or touchpads:
I thought about asking you for a Top 5 list or a Top 10 list, but decided there’s no reason to put an arbitrary limit on this. You might have a Top 3 or a Top 17 — it’s up to you. And to be clear, when I say “Best of 2013”, what I’m really after is not necessarily a critical judgment (though we’re happy to get those), but the 2013 releases that have become your favorites — the ones you’ve been enjoying the most.
And that’s it. Thanks in advance to all who choose to participate in this process.
(And to our other writers who I’m surprising with this post, your lists are welcome, too.)
I’m behind on a few releases that I’m sure I’ll like, but that hasn’t stopped me from having ten so far this year that I’ve particularly enjoyed, in no particular order, though Jess and the Ancient Ones have my favorite song this year so far (Astral Sabbat) –
Darkened Nocturn Slaughtercult – Necrovision (black)
Cultes des Ghoules – Henbane (black)
Goat Torment – Dominande Tenebrae (black)
Howling – A Beast Conceived (death)
Kingdom – Morbid Priest of Supreme Blasphemy (death)
Slaughterday – Cosmic Horror (death- demo)
Trenchrot – Dragged down to Hell (death – demo)
Jess and the Ancient Ones – Astral Sabbat (psychedelic – ep)
Blood Ceremony – The Eldritch Dark (occult/psychedelic)
Vestal Claret – Bloodbath (trad/doom)
Vestal Claret, had a split done with an Indian band called Albatross a year or so back. Great stuff. And thanks for this, quite a few i have no idea of. Slaughterday, Trenchrot, Kingdom, Goat Torment. Thank man!
Slaughterday is awesome..great demo..definitely worth tracking down
Now on my listening list for today:
Merzbow and Nordvagr – Partikel 3
Laura Marling – Once I Was An Eagle
Cloud Rat – Moksha
Blister Unit – Christ Ape
Napalm Death – Utilitarian
Gets Worse – Year of the Bastard
Wow, I only recognize one album on this list. It’s a really big unexplored world out there. I’m experiencing feelings of inadequacy.
George, I am the bassist/vocalist for Blister Unit, and you just made my goddamned day, sir. thanks for listening, man! (and that Cloud Rat fucking KILLS)
Thank you for making such a great album. I wrote a review of it on my blog if you fancy giving it a read:
Here’s my list of the best albums of 2013 so far:
Abyssal – Novit enim Dominus qui sunt eius. Dark and evil blackened death metal. They take the foundation they built in Denouement and improve upon it by a large margin.
Amiensus – Restoration. Awesome Emperor worship featuring powerful melodic guitars and stunning clean vocals. There’s even a guest appearance by Ken Sorceron of Abigail Williams. I know this was released on New Years Eve of 2012, but I’m still considering it a 2013 release.
Situs Magus – Le Grand Oeuvre. French black metal with funeral doom trappings that offers up powerful riffs and an epic atmosphere.
Delete The Mass – Μάζα. Insane Nasum worship from Greece that offers up simple and furious guitars but also possesses intelligent songwriting.
Aylwin & Stellar Descent – Farallon. A split album featuring two bands that play amazing raw atmospheric black metal. I know this sounds like a stretch, but this is seriously one of the best split albums ever made.
Sadhaka – Terma. Cascadian black metal that features riffs both morose and triumphant, as well as low droning clean vocals.
Vallendusk – Black Clouds Gathering. Awesome atmospheric black metal from Indonesia that features amazing guitar work that is warm, grand, melodic, and sometimes quite catchy.
Don’t worry, I’m counting that Amiensus album as 2013 as well.
It’s easy to make an exception for such a great album.
Man, this is getting to be a trend. I only know of two of these albums, but from your descriptions they all sound worth finding.
Thanks for mentioning Abyssal – I hadn’t heard it before, but am loving it now.
oops – missed the bit where you said they had to be metal releases. Ah well.
Ah no worries. I was actually sort of hoping we’d get a few non-metal releases despite what I said.
It has been a terrific 2013 so far.
Persefone – Spiritual Migration (current front-runner)
Dillinger Escape Plan – One of Us is the Killer
Deafheaven – Sunbather
Nero di Marte – Nero di Marte
Byzantine – Byzantine
Returning We Hear the Larks – Far-Stepper/Of Wide Sea (seriously, check this record out. It’s free!)
The Ocean – Pelagial (although I don’t think it’s, like, the greatest thing in the history of the world ever. I prefer both -Centrics and Precambrian to this record.)
Last I heard we had a review of Returning We Hear the Larks in the works.
Altar of Plagues – Teethed Glory and Injury
Benea Reach – Possession
Sleepers Awake – Transcision
Quest of AIdance – Misanthropic Propagandha
TesseracT – Altered State
Hacride – Back To Where You’ve Never Been
Woe – Withdrawal
Nero Di Marte – Nero Di Marte
Persefone – Spiritual Migration
Abbey ov Thelema – Liber DCLXVI
Altar of Plagues – Teethed Glory and Injury
Anciients – Heart of Oak
Azure Emote – The Gravity of Impermanence
Ghost – Infestissumam
Helcaraxe – Children of Ygg
Inter Arma – Sky Burial
Kvelertak – Meir
Man’s Gin – Rebellion Hymns
The Ocean – Pelagial (instrumental)
Pensees Nocturnes – Nom d’une Pipe!
Vhol – Vhol
Wormed – Exodromos
It’s too early in the morning for descriptions. I’m not on trial here!
Still anticipating: Carcass, Gorguts, Ihsahn, Witherscape, Fleshgod Apocalypse, and I’m curious about the four albums from Agoraphobic Nosebleed that are due sometime.
I found a few tracks from Azure Emote following a certain Indian Classical/ Carnatic music patterns. Very interesting indeed.
Vreid – Welcome Farewell
Darkthrone – The Underground Resistance, but this might be a little early to judge because I just got it this week. I imagine that the new Extol could be on my Best of 2013 list too, but I also just got that one too.
I love these lists. They always make me aware of a wider range of good bands. I am listening to Vallendusk on bandcamp right now, and like what I hear. Thanks BreadGod. If I remember right, it was your 2012 list that introduced me to Mgła.
Been thinking about this for the past couple weeks. A couple definite favorites so far:
Inter Arma
Altar of Plagues
I’ve never been able to get into Vreid despite my great love for Windir, but I like Thrawsunblat more than anything Woods of Ypres released.
Thrawsunblat is high on my list of albums to check out — should have done it before now after posting about them when the first single came out.
The Ocean – Pelagial. I think 80% of the few comments I have on this site have to do with me extolling the greatness of this disc. It’s the greatest thing in the history of the world ever, except for Opeth’s Still Life and Blackwater Park.
The rest (despite the fact that I’m well behind on other releases I want to include):
Kvelertak – Meir
Anciients – Heart Of Oak
Dillinger Escape Plan – One Of Us Is The Killer
Cult of Luna – Vertikal
Shining – One One One
Black Dahlia Murder – Everblack
Clutch – Earth Rocker
Inter Arma – Sky Burial
The Bronx – IV
Bad Religion – True North
Steven Wilson – The Raven That Refused to Sing (and refused to bow down to “Metal only” restrictions)
Rotting Christ – Kata Ton Diamonia Eatoy
Fen – Dustwalker
Riverside – Shrine of New Generation Slaves
Cultes Des Ghoules – Henbane
Persefone – Spiritual Migration
Summoning – Old Mornings Dawn
Leprous – Coal
Enforcer – Death By Fire
Satan – Life Sentence
Locrian – Return to Annihilation
Orphaned Land – All Is One
Altar of Plagues – Teethed Glory and Injury
Blood Ceremony – The Eldritch Dark
Stratovarius – Nemesis
Just off the top of my head
Got to hear the new Locrian. I’ve heard great things about Blood Ceremony so that as well.
Blood Ceremony’s is fantastic. I got to see them live as well, and they put on one of the best shows of the year. So much energy and passion, and the audience was insane
Glad to see Rotting Christ finally on a list. I’ve been delaying listening to Orphaned Land. Appears I need to get with it.
Most certainly! It is probably top 5 of the year so far for me. The song Brothers is the best, I think. No harsh vocals though, so you are forewarned. Clean singing warning.
Orphaned Land is an Exception to the Rule.
I forgot to include Cnoc An Tursa – The Giants of Auld. Wonderful album
Hell yes, I love it. Another one I’ve inexcusably neglected around here since writing about a few of the advance songs from that album.
I don’t have a lot to add here, as most of my favorites have already been mentioned. Anciients, Howling, Tribulation, Extol, Hacride – all of have been great. Here’s a few I’m shocked haven’t been mentioned thus far:
Suffocation – Pinnacle of Bedlam; A rare album that lives up to its title. Quite possibly the best album they’ve released since the early 90s.
Skeletal Spectre – Voodoo Dawn; Yep I’m including a double dose of Vanessa Nocera. One of the pinnacles of OSDM revivalism.
Voivod – Target Earth; I know, not typical NCS fare, but it’s an amazing return to form and full og great riffs.
Byzantine – S/T; This is looking like the year everyone releases a reunion record (see Voivod, too), but Byzantine has set the bar incredibly high for just how much growth is possible without even being together as a band.
Albums of the Year thus far: Byzantine and Extol.
Albums I’m looking forward to: Witherscape, Carcass, Shade Empire, The Safety Fire, Formless, Shattered Skies and Lorelei.
Actually none mentioned Extol before you, a few after. Riveting album for sure.
Some stuff I’ve really enjoyed so far this year:
Agrimonia – Rites of Separation
Infera Bruo – Desolate Unknown
Aosoth – IV: Arrow in the Heart
Ghost BC – Infestissumam
Stilla – Till Stilla Falla
Entropia – Vesper
October Falls – Plague of a Coming Age
Interestingly there’s an album on a few lists here that’s going to crop up in a Synn Report later this week…
1. The Ocean – Pelagial
2. Clutch – Earth Rocker
(the rest are in no particular order)
3. Anciients – Heart of Oak
4. Ohio Sky – This House Is Old and Filled With Ghosts
5. Svart Crown – Profane
6. Leprous – Coal
7. Alice In Chains – The Devil Put Dinosaurs Here
8. DEP – Whatever the hell their new one’s called
9. Ehhh… I dunno, the live HOF albums, maybe? Aside from Clutch & The Ocean, it’s been a bit of a slow year so far, really. Those are the only two that have really blown my doors off and that I haven’t gotten bored with.
Lots to look forward to, though – Carcass, Protest the Hero, Casualties of Cool, Butch Walker & the Black Widows, Revocation, Scale the Summit, Ihsahn, probably some other thing I’m forgetting that’s really obvious but that I’m still forgetting.
I haven’t even thought about what order I might put these in later, and some of them I really need to listen to more, but here are the albums that have really stood out for me so far:
Tribulation- The Formulas of Death
Vorum- Poisoned Void
Voices- From the Human Forest……..
Ghost- Infestissumam
Thrawsunblat- Wanderer on the Continent of Saplings
Crest of Darkness- In the Presence of Death
Acrimonious- Sunyata
Paradox- Tales of the Weird
The Beyond- Frostbitepanzerfuck
Caladan Brood- Echoes of Battle
Thou Art Lord- The Regal Pulse of Lucifer
Vhol- Vhol
Lesbian- Forestelevision
I’ll cut myself off there. I’m not sure what it is but it seems like there’s been an oddly high number of releases that I’ve really enjoyed this year.
I left Sunyata off my list because I thought it was a 2012 release, but I guess it came out this year in the US. I love that album.
That Voices album is really fucking great. I need to listen to it more, but I think it could have gone on my list.
Amon Amarth – Deciever of the Gods: Best one since With Odin on our Side?
Arsis – Unwelcome: They stepped up everything a few notches
The Black Dahlia Murder – Everblack: Awesome as usual
Satan – Life Sentence: Good old school metal
Seeds of Perdition – From Within: Great first EP from a local melodic death metal band, check it out on Bandcamp!
At first glance I thought it read Axis of Perdition and my heart jumped at the thought of a new one. Sorry this comment has little to do with your post. Just wanted to throw the name out there, I guess.
Agrimonia – Rites of Separation
Vhol – Vhol
Progenie Terrestre Pura – U.M.A.
Skagos – Anarchic
Nails – Abandon All Life
Caladan Brood – Echoes of Battle
Saor – Root
Cool to see Progenie Terrestre Pura on here (I like the other choices too), and I see it showed up on another list below. I really love that album and feel like a douchebag for not having reviewed it yet. Word needs to be spread.
That one came out of left field for me as a suggestion from a friend. Had he not suggested it I probably never would have found it. Definitely deserves some credit.
It’s been one I’ve been hoping to get round to for a while, but I’m still working through a backlog!
I waited and looked for it only because I had reviewed their two-song promo back in 2011, and it blew me away. They’re pretty far under the radar, though they shouldn’t be.
THE OCEAN – “Pelagial”
ARSIS – “Unwelcome”
GHOST – “Infestissuman”
ROTTEN SOUND – “Species at War”
DEAFHEAVEN – “Sunbather”
ALTAR OF PLAGUES – “Teethed Glory and Injury”
SUMMONING – “Old Mornings Dawn”
VREID – “Welcome Farewell”
SUFFOCATION – “Pinnacle of Bedlam”
I can’t hope to win Old Man Windbreaker’s most kvltest list award this time around. Quite a few albums i like. But i am doing up a post on Metalspree for the same. I might as well share it here tomorrow.
You shouldnt have won last year..the fix was in man..
…I demand a recount!
I blame the hanging chads.
Haha. Hell no ! You shall be my second in command.
The Monolith-Deathcult-Tetragrammaton
In Vain-Aenigma
Persefone-Spiritual Migration
Dark Tranquillity-Construct
…in no particular order, of course.
Hell no i am not waiting that long!!!! And i am very much with Islander here. Compiling a list is the next hardest thing to sorting tracks on to your music player with limited disk space. Well here goes in no particular order. Sorry for the length, i am indecision junkie.
Kongh – Soul Creation
Krypts – Unending Degradation
Illuminati – The Core
Lantern – Below
Cerekloth – In the Midst of Life We are in Death
Katalepsy – autopsychois
The Flight of Sleipnir – Saga
Vuyvr – Eiskalt
Crown – Psychurgy
Regarde les hommes tomber -regarde les hommes tomber
Krownn – Hyborian Age
Light Bearer – Silver Tongue
No Omega – Shame
The Phantom Carriage – Falls
Omnium Gatherum – Beyond
Cortez – Phoebus
Soliloquium – The Concept of Escape
Man the Machete – Idiokrati
Deafheaven – Sunbather
Rorcal – Világvége
Asg – Blood Drive
Caladan Brood – Echoes of Battle
Scale the Summit – The Migration
Vex – Memorious
Man the Machetes – Idiokrati
Supuration – Cube 3
Redwood Hill – Descender
Seven Sisters of Sleep – Descender
Thranenkind – The Elk
Beastwars – Blood Becomes Fire
Shade Empire – Omega Arcane
Universe217 – Never
Vallendusk – Black Clouds Gathering
The Fall of Every Season – Amends
I’llbe getting half of these. Just ordered the Deafheaven, Katalepsy and ASG
Also Crown’s Psychurgy! Crushing!!!!
and Facebreaker’s Dedicated to the Flesh. A mix of old school death and modern extreme metal (well a tad bit that mostly the former)
Just started listening to that yesterday, and loving it so far.
You bet. Check out “Legions of Doom” that track slays.
The Vex and Lantern albums are really excellent. Universe217 is pretty interesting stuff too; I haven’t heard anything else quite like it.
Very much indeed. Will be getting the Lantern album from the guy who gets Dark Descent stuff to India. And yes Universe 217 is great. Check out the track “Harm”, pretty much sums the band up. Some really twisted vocal melodies.
Deafheaven – Sunbather
The Ocean – Pelagial
Means End – The Didact
Spock’s Beard – Brief Nocturnes And Dreamless Sleep
Rings Of Saturn – Dingir
Pomegranate Tiger – Entities
Chon – Newborn Sun
Acrania – The Beginning Of The End
Abyssal – Novit Enim Dominus Qui Sunt Eius
Decades Of Despair – Alive
Scale The Summit – The Migration
Author And Punisher – Women And Children
Vomitous – Empires Of Great Enslavement
Arsis – Unwelcome
Satan – Life Sentence
Anciients – Heart Of Oak
Wormed – Exodromos
Dark Sermon – In Tongues
Thrawsunblat – Wanderer On The Continent Of Saplings
Soilwork – The Living Infinite
Steven Wilson – The Raven That Refused To Sing (And Other Stories)
Omnium Gatherum – Beyond
Mors Principium Est – And Death Said Live
It’s been a good year.
Seriously though, everyone check out Thrawsunblat.
Yes got to. There is a stream??
Yep! On their bandcamp. http://thrawsunblat.bandcamp.com/
Ah! Many a thanks O Garksa!
As the official Woods of Ypres fan boy around these parts, how the hell did I miss Thrawsunblat? They’re amazing.
Awesome…I’ll actually write up an article with my top choices, but some of my Runner-ups would be:
Sorcery – Arrival at Six (death)
Skeletal Spectre – Voodoo dawn (death/doom)
Cerekloth – In the Midst of Life We Are in Death (death)
Intöxicated – Rock ‘n Roll Hellpatröl (speed/heavy)
Månegarm – Legions Of The North (folk/black)
Assaultery – Life Denied (black/thrash)
Dødsfall – Djevelens evangelie (black)
Desolator – Unearthly Monument (death)
Execution – Perversions And Blasphemy (black/thrash)
Darkened Nocturn Slaughtercult – Necrovision
Do it!! Cerekloth owns!
Yeah, definitely interested in seeing your top picks so far.
Looking forward to your list of top picks!
“Satan – Life Sentence” / Haven’t banged my head this much with a “classic metal” sounding album since decades ago (yes, thats plural). Truly inspiring and original work for such a classic territory. The sound of metal that metal grew up to
“Shade Empire – Omega Arcane” / Majestic and Mystical are a couple of words to describe what they achieved, for me, in the Symphonic “Black” Metal sound, even now after we already enjoyed so many similar stellar releases from other bands.
“Assemble The Chariots – The Sulphur Voids EP” / This came out late December so i think its fair to mention it now. Symphonic Death/Black from the future, thats how i saw it. Cant wait for their debut album.
“The Bridal Procession – Descent Into Arcologies” / Crazy and gifted french band with unique Atmospheric Technical Death ideas that drive me nuts, such a pity they disbanded.
“Cognizance – Inquisition EP” / Uk Technical Death Metal with very fresh ideas and Alex Rudinger behind the drums, tech freak heaven!
“My Dying Bride – 2013 – The Manuscript EP” / Small and precious, this release showed me they still have that special “it”, hope is not lost after all!!
Got a review of “Descent Into Arcologies” in the pipeline.
Not a best of 2013 for me, but still a worthy release.
It’s great that you mentioned Cognizance. They should have released a full length. Baby steps perhaps? The guys were kind enough to mail me the tracks, wrote a review thereafter. http://metalspreev2.com/2013/03/14/cognizance-inquisition/
As an album, to fit in a Best of 2013 may be too optimistic, sure, it has quite a few weak spots since it was the final release and they probably filled it up with some weak songs out of need probably. For me though, a good bunch of songs from this album are so unique and offer so much to the Tech Death genre that makes it to my eyes and ears much more worthier to be in a Best of list than a “very well written” album from one more classic band who releases their tenth or whatever release and they are not called Bolt Thrower
Top releases:
Deafheaven – Sunbather
Altar of Plagues – Teethed Glory and Injury
Fell Voices – Regnum Saturni
Ash Borer – Bloodlands
Fen – Dustwalker
Sannhet – Known Flood
Entropia – Vesper
Locrian – Return to Annhilation
October Falls – The Plague of a Coming Age
Other pretty good stuff:
Progenie Terrestre Pura – U.M.A.
Ov Hollowness – The World Ends
Din of Awakening – Demo
Kvelertak – Meir
Scale the Summit – The Migration
Clouds Collide – Until the Wind Stops Blowing…
Torture Chain – Mutilating Astral Entities
Stuff that’s fantastic but maybe not metal:
Cloudkicker – Hello
Jefre Cantu-Ledesma – Devotion
Hexvessel – Iron Marsh
Wardruna – Yggdrasil
Sigur Ros – Kveikur
The Haxan Cloak – Excavation (darkest album of the year)
…and Frigoris, Skagos & Anciients are on my listen-to list, but I haven’t checked them out yet!
ooo! Lots of stuff to checkout!! Thanks Andrew!
My music taste is more on the melodic death metal side, maybe because we have here in Finland a great bunch of mdm bands i don’t know, but that’s my main taste and the list is going to be filled with pretty much of it.
Omnium Gatherum-Beyond
Noumena-Death Walks With Me
Eternal Tears of Sorrow-Saivon Lapsi
Kalmah-Seventh Swamphony
Cult Of Luna-Vertikal
In Vain-Ænigma
Caladan Brood-Echoes of Battle
And finally i gotta say i’m pretty impressed with the work guys from my school did.
Nuclear Omnicide-The Presence of Evil
I was pretty sure there were more records…I just hope that Be’lakor or Agalloch would soon release a new album!
You do indeed have some great mdm bands in Finland. The Omnium Gatherum album is still one of my favorites of the year, and I’m really digging the Kalmah album, too (but I like everything they do).
Enjoying the Byzantine love that’s showing up on many of these lists. Comeback album of the year?
…for the simple reason that they did an awesome job creating a straight forward ‘modern’ ( = kinda 00’s nu without being nu) metal album without sounding obsolete…That’s the first album I ‘ve heard from byzantine…and that to me says a lot … being on my playlist for months
…the same goes for hacride…Lazarus was a good album but not that good. they trimmed down their songs keeping their essence, their emotion, and passion… + great lyrics from the new vocalist
…recommended ‘ pharaoh – bury the light’.. It’s a 2012 release but the best for me this year…tim aymar( control denied) on vocals…us power at it’s finest
In most years, an easy yes…the problem is that Extol’s album is also an amazing comeback record. I think a joint award may be in order. And I’m going to second the mention of Pharaoh from below; not many people heard about the album last year and it is phenomenal.
Well, stupid me, I blanked on Extol when I was thinking of 2013 comeback albums. It definitely deserves to share the award with Byzantine.
In no particular order, in spite of the numbering:
1)Vhol- Vhol
2)Darkened Nocturn Slaughtercult-Necrovision. Consistently good. Surprised they don’t get more press, and not just from this site. Nice to see them getting some love on these lists.
5)Anciients- Heart Of Oak
6)Cluth- Earth Rocker. Always solid.
7)Voices- From The Human Forest Create a Fugue of Imaginary Rain. Basically the spiritual successor to Akercocke, as it contains half the band. My favorite album of the year so far.
8)Chthonic- Bu-Tik
9) Botanist- IV:Mandragora
10)Thrawsunblat- Wanderer on the Continent of Saplings
been waiting for the voices debut…something tells me it will live up to my ‘satanic’ hopes
I can’t believe I missed the Voices release. Thanks for the reminder.
I feel the same way. I was really looking forward to that, and then somehow overlooked it.
The Voices album is streaming on bandcamp and for sale for $7.99. Well worth it.
Now there’s a coincidence — only today I saw a FB post by a friend about Darkened Nocturn Slaughtercult-Necrovision and have a song from it on my list of things to listen to tonight. But before today I hadn’t heard about them.
You mean you havent heard of the new album right?
…because Im sure Darkened Nocturn Slaughtercult has come up a few times on this board..usually in regards to female lead singers and what an awesome vocalist Onielar is
The name has come up in a few past comments (I just checked), but I didn’t know about this album.
The new album is good, but pretty much everything they’ve done is outstanding.
Check out –
Underneath stars of the East: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8V2_cI2eFF8
The Dead Hate the Living: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jsr0pwihGto
And if there is anything remotely metalcore in any of the lists. It ought to be Misery Signals, the only band i have some sort of respect for. Heres hoping their new album to not turning out to be a chore.
Haven’t listened to too much yet, but here goes:
Altar of Plagues
Is that a different Dawnbringer…because Into the Lair of the Sun God came out last year
I think someone has their release dates a year off…
I’m not ready to make a list yet, but if I had to do my end-of-year list today, three things would be trve:
1. Profound Lore would fucking dominate the list. Moreso than they usually do (hey, they’ve had my top album of the year for two years running).
2. It would be my least metal list ever. Between Man’s Gin, Lux Interna, and The Black Heart Rebellion, I think my non-metal listening has been a lot better experience than my metal listening.
3. Fucking PORTAL.
fuck yes, PORTAL!!!!!!!
fuck yes, PORTAL!!!!!!!
Getting the new Nails, Darkthrone, and Vhol at the same time was a good day’s work. Also liking Woe and deafheaven, and Run the Jewels (NOT metal).
I like your alias.
Thanks – I do love me some metal, but Paul’s Boutique is still in my top 3 albums even after all these years. Best hip hop of all time? Yes indeed.
Of Wolves
Tsar Bomba
Killswitch Engage
i’m pretty sure my list will be most “mainstream” and cheesy, and that i’ll remember 20 other albums right after i hit the “submit comment” button, but here goes:
Suffocation – Pinnacle of Bedlam
Immolation – Kingdom of Conspiracy
Arsis – Unwelcome
Aosoth – IV: An Arrow in Heart
Battlecross – War of Will
Havok – Unnatural Selection
Ramming Speed – Doomed to Destroy, Destined to Die
The Black Dahlia Murder – Everblack
Killswitch Engage – Disarm the Descent
Evile – Skull
Alice In Chains – Devil Put Dinosaurs Here
Soilwork – The Living Infinite
Jungle Rot – Terror Regime
Six Feet Under – Unborn
Warbeast – Destroy
Heaven Shall Burn – Veto
Blood Red Throne – Blood Red Throne
Portal – Vexovoid
Devourment – Conceived in Sewage
Sevendust – Black Out the Sun
I have failed to connect myself with Aosoth’s Arrow in Heart. I might be the only one here who thinks that they should have held on to their more muddier production. For i thought Aosoth’s III was one of the best releases from the French underground and secretly wished IV was a continuation of that.
i agree that III is the better album, but IV is still really great
Going to have to respectfully disagree with that. III was great, but ‘Arrow’ is goddamn amazing and has been hogging my car stereo to the chagrin of everything else.
ok, one more:
As They Burn – Will Love Life
In rough order:
Dark Tranquility-Construct
Just Before Dawn-Precis Innan Gryningen
Murder Made God-Irreverence
Boss Keloid-The Calming Influence of Teeth
Lycus-Tempest (Cvlt Nation just streamed the full album, love it)
One Inch Giant-The Great White Beyond
Howling-A Beast Conceived
Blood Red Throne-Blood Red Throne
All Pigs Must Die-Nothing Violates This Nature
In no particular order:
Adora Vivos – Toward The Empyrean. Beautiful melancholic metal, featuring some of the guys from Amiensus (which I really need to get my ass around to buying).
Byzantine – S/T. Southern-infused metal. Would you believe this is the first album of their’s I’ve heard?
Mechina – Empyrean. Fucking brilliant sci fi metal.
Rotting Christ – Kata Ton Daimona Eaytoy. Everyone should know this already.
Hope For The Dying – Aletheia. Proggy metal. Apparently they’re christian, but there’s no ‘worship the lord’ lyrics so don’t freak out.
In Vain – Aenigma. Already mentioned here a few times.
The Devil, S/T: According to Metal Archives this is Nov 2012, but you know, probably slipped off people’s radar being one of those near-end-year releases, so I’m throwing it in. A huge slab of riff and doomy keyboards with no vocals but only audio samples providing the thematic elements, and it works.
Chaostar – Anomima. Featuring Christos Antoniou and Fotis Benardo from Septic Flesh, but this really isn’t metal. Kind of experimental neoclassical. Not to everyone’s taste. I didn’t know this band existed until seeing the promo material for this come out – their back catalogue has been a great find for me this year.
Summoning – just got this via itunes this morning.
Looking forward to:
In Dread Response – NZ metal band.
Synthetic Breed – math metal from the land of Oz.
Welicoruss – this was supposed to come out last week, so don’t know what’s up with that yet. Love the single ‘Sons of the North’.
Diablerie – French industrial band I discovered courtesy of NCS. Full length should be out later this year I hope.
Lorelei – come on, just fucking release this already!!
The thing with Hope for the Dying’s Aletheia is the vocalist almost spoils all the fun, but the music hell makes up for that blemish.
I have so many possibilities that I don’t really know when this list will end. After the first two albums (my top two of the year), these are in no particular order.
Clutch – Earth Rocker
Pryapisme – Hyperblast Super Collider
Bad Religion – True North
Finntroll – Blodsvept
Run The Jewels – Run The Jewels
Rob Sonic – Alice In Thunderdome
How To Destroy Angels – Welcome Oblivion
Total Fucking Destruction – Monsters
Blockheads – This World Is Dead
Mindless Self Indulgence – How I Learned To Stop Giving A Shit And Love Mindless Self Indulgence
K.Flay – West Ghost
Dessa – Parts Of Speech
Antigama – Meteor
Amon Amarth – Deceiver Of The Gods
Amorphis – Circle
Squash Bowels – Grindcoholism
Inhumate – Expulsed
Polkadot Cadaver – Last Call In Jonestown
The Grammar Club – Bioavailable
Rotting Christ – Κατά τον δαίμονα εαυτού
Watsky – Cardboard Castles
Ayria – Plastic Makes Perfect
The Uncluded – Hokey Fright
Queens Of The Stone Age – …Like Clockwork
The Ocean – Pelagial
Pomegranate Tiger – Entities
Tribulation – The Formulas Of Death
Uncle Acid And The Deadbeats – Mind Control
Shining – One One One
Huntress – Starbound Beast
P.L.F. – Devious Persecution And Wholesale Slaughter
Satan – Life Sentence
Ghost – Infestissumam
Iron Reagan – Worse Than Dead
Immolation – Kingdom Of Conspiracy
Abnormal Thought Patterns – Manipulation Under Anesthesia
Altar Of Plagues – Teethed Glory And Injury
Arm Cannon – LegVacuum 2
Arsis – Unwelcome
ASG – Blood Drive
Azure Emote – The Gravity Of Impermanence
Billy Woods – Dour Candy
Bispora – The Pineal Chronicles Phase I: Furtherance
Black Sabbath – 13
Blood Ceremony – The Eldritch Dark
Brent A Petrie – The Void
Cage – Saint Nicolas
Chthonic – Bú-Tik
Cnoc An Tursa – The Giants Of Auld
Coheed And Cambria – The Afterman: Descension
Czarface – Czarface
Darkthrone – The Underground Resistance
Deathchain – Ritual Death Metal
Deeds Of Flesh – Portals To Canaan
Disinterred – Demo MMXIII
Dropkick Murphys – Signed And Sealed In Blood
False Flag Attack – Grind The Human Scum
Fir Bolg – Towards Ancestral Lands
Five Horse Johnson – The Taking Of Blackheart
Fuck The Facts – Amer
Gogol Bordello – Pura Vida Conspiracy
Head Cleaner – Of Worms And Men
How To Destroy Angels – Welcome Oblivion
Ill Bill – The Grimy Awards
Ixpapalotl – Corpse Republic
Jess And The Ancient Ones – Astral Sabbat
Jex Thoth – Blood Moon Rise
Joel Grind – The Yellowgoat Sessions
Kalmah – Seventh Swamphony
Karnivool – Asymmetry
KMFDM – Kunst
Lantern – Below
Leprous – Coal
Orphaned Land – All Is One
Panther – Speed Bitch Motor Fuck
Purson – The Circle And The Blue Door
Returning We Hear The Larks – Far-Stepper/Of Wide Sea
Robot Lords Of Tokyo – Virtue & Vice
Robots Pulling Levers – Zong!
Rotten Sound – Species At War
Rusted Brain – High Voltage Thrash
Sacriphyx – The Western Front
Scale The Summit – The Migration
Suffocation – Pinnacle Of Bedlam
Suidakra – Eternal Defiance
Summoning – Old Mornings Dawn
Supuration – CU3E
Swollen Members – Beautiful Death Machine
The White Mandingos – The Ghetto Is Tryna Kill Me
The Zenith Passage – Cosmic Dissonance
TrenchRot – Dragged Down To Hell
Tyrant Goatgaldrakona – Horns In The Dark
Vorum – Poisoned Void
Woe – Withdrawal
zYnthetic – oxIDIze
I think that about covers it. I may have missed a few.
Every one of those albums is complete garbage.
No but seriously, that’s a lot of list. I really liked that Antigama album, in addition to plenty others you named. I didn’t include Clutch because it’s “not metal” but it’d probably be in my top 5 overall. I probably could have put another 30 albums on my list. It’s been some year.
That’s probably about half of the 2013 releases I’ve listened to… these were the ones that were worthy of mention. As is my usual policy, I give no fucks on whether an album is metal or not… I mean, really, my top 5 of the year so far (Clutch, Pryapisme, Bad Religion, Run The Jewels, and probably Finntroll) is only 2/5 metal (and one of those fifths is debatable). But I gotta mention them anyway.
Ridiculously eclectic list . . . but I expected nothing less. Also, I think you still listen to more music than anyone I know.
I make an effort, regardless of what else I am doing throughout my day, to listen to as much as possible.
That new Bad Religion was surprisingly good. Especially given their last effort.
My thoughts exactly. True North is at least as good as New Maps Of Hell, and certainly those two albums are their best work since Generator.
I’m wondering if that band Pryapisme in your top two named themselves after the medical condition? Priapism: “a potentially painful medical condition, in which the erect penis does not return to its flaccid state” http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Priapism. lulz
Only half what you’ve heard this year?! I see why you’re called the Professor.
Half of the 2013 albums I’ve listened to… that doesn’t account for everything that I’ve listened to that’s not from this year (which is probably an equal number, if not more).
And yes, that is precisely where Pryapisme got their name. They’re French, which explains some of it, and they’re also incredibly weird music, which explains the rest of it. They’re also utterly brilliant.
I like how this list becomes alphabetical only after a certain point at about 1/3 of it
Yeah, after I stopped being able to remember all the albums I found worthwhile off the top of my head, I went through my music library and got the remaining ones. I didn’t feel like going back through and reorganizing the entire list.
dammit, is completely forgot to put Deeds Of Flesh – Portals To Canaan on my list
It’s a good album, one of the best tech-death albums this year, although I haven’t heard a lot of really memorable tech-death this year.
Just listened to that yesterday, and I have to agree on all counts. Not a banner year for the genre, and even though Portals to Canaan is a high point I don’t think it would be on my year end best of.
I think maybe Gorguts will be tech death’s saving grace this year.
Admittedly, I’m not a Gorguts fan and the two new tracks have not at all interested me, so I’m not on the same page there. I know a lot of people are eager to hear it, though.
Wow, so many replies already. Now about my list, I liked the random ‘top 17’ suggestion, so here goes! Especially the first nine records will most likely end up in my final end-of-year top 20 list:
1// The Ocean – Pelagial
2// In Vain – Aenigma
3// Persefone – Spiritual Migration
4// Shade Empire – Omega Arcane
5// The Fall of Every Season – Amends
6// Hanging Garden – At Every Door
7// Altar of Plagues – Teethed Glory and Injury
8// Heaven Shall Burn – Veto
9// Agrypnie – Aetis Cineris
10// Amorphis – Circle
11// Omnium Gatherum – Beyond
12// Dark Tranquillity – Construct
13// Extol – Extol
14// Enshine – Origin
15// Steven Wilson – The Raven that Refused to Sing
16// Uneven Structure – 8 (remastered)
17// Fractal Gates – Beyond the Self
Everything I have checked out on this list has been stunning. Thanks!
Apocynthion – Sidereus Nuncius (http://apocynthion.bandcamp.com/): This album mixes two of my favorite things: science fiction and black metal.
Shaded Enmity – Forsaken And Forgotten (http://shadedenmity.bandcamp.com/): 2013, so far, has found me discovering a real fondness for melodic death metal. Aside from the obvious selections from Soilwork and Omnium Gatherum, this fit the bill perfectly.
Vallendusk – Black Clouds Gathering (http://pestproductions.bandcamp.com/album/black-clouds-gathering): If it wasn’t obvious yet, I love Bandcamp, and this is one of the random discoveries it has led me to. Excellent atmospheric black metal.
Caladan Brood – Echoes Of Battle (http://caladanbrood.bandcamp.com/): As a fan of Erikson and Esslemont’s Malazan empire, expectations couldn’t have been higher for this epic black metal album. It did not disappoint.
Mechina – Empyrean (http://mechinamusic.bandcamp.com/): This album mixes two of my favorite things: death metal and science fiction.
And we’ve come full circle.
I like the instrument part of shaded enmity, but can’t stand the vocal, just fucking annoying. what a shame.
dammit, one more:
Mumakil – Flies Will Starve
My favorites so far have been the new albums by:
Omnium Gatherum
In Vain
Dark Tranquillity
Rotting Christ
Dark Moor
Eternal Tears of Sorrow
The Black Dahlia Murder
Killswitch Engage
Nothing too surprising, and it seems they are all more or less “well known” bands (with the exception of Enshine’s debut), but I can attest that all of these releases are at least memorable, well produced, interesting or just plain fun and enjoyable.
By the way, I’m compiling a list of all the 2013 albums I’ve heard, in case you want something a little bit more in depth (and colorful) than this barebones list.
No certain order.
Rotting Christ
Valient Thorr
Lightning Swords of Death
Enabler – Shift of Redemtion
So much to look forward too still tho! Watain! In Solitude! Revocation, All Pigs Must Die…
Need to hear more of that Satan record and the Lord Dying about to come out.
Great year so far!!
In no particular order:
Dillinger Escape Plan – One of Us is the Killer
Ramming Speed – Doomed To Destroy, Destined To Die
Black Dahlia Murder – Everblack
The Monolith Deathcult – Tetragrammaton
Kvelertak – Meir ( was a little disappointed at first, but I’ve been warming up to it lately)
Can I just assume new the Gorguts album?
Yes, I think you can assume the new Gorguts album. I already have.
And as further evidence, the new Gorguts track that came out today utterly rules.
Kvelertak – Meir
Darkthrone – The Underground Resistance
Keep Of Kallesin – Introspection EP
Fuck The Facts – Amer EP
Kalmah – Seventh Swamphony
Fen – Dustwalker
Altar of Plagues – Teethed Glory and Injury
These have been dominating my play list recently. Although quite a few other good releases this year.
Nice to finally see Fuck the Facts in this thread.
Been enjoying all of these a lot this year. Intronaut’s album is my number one so far though.
Altar of Plagues – Teethed Glory and Injury
Anciients – Heart of Oak
ASG – Blood Drive
Deafheaven – Sunbather
The Dillinger Escape Plan – One of Us Is the Killer
Fallujah – Nomadic EP
Hybrid – Angst
Intronaut – Habitual Levitations
Leprous – Coal
The Moth Gatherer – A Bright Celestial Light
Mouth of the Architect – Dawning
The Ocean – Pelagial
Returning We Hear the Larks – Far Stepper/Of Wide Sea
Sannhet – Known Flood
Sleepers Awake – Transcension
No particular order, no descriptions(not out of a lack, just simply don’t have the words at the moment.)
August Burns Red – Rescue & Restore
City & Colour – The Hurry & The Harm
Cult of Luna – Vertikal
Dark Tranquillity – Construct
Deafheaven – Sunbather
This reminds me that I’ve been feeling guilty for intentionally not listening to August Burns Red, a band that once upon a time was one of my favorites . . . but tastes change. I really ought to at least give it a chance.
Well i’ve heard it. In fact not that bad, in fact good. Probably up there with Constellations. They have their own sound, ones got to give them that.
I really liked Constellations. This video is still a favorite, for the visuals as well as the music:
I had never heard anything from August Burns Red before their current album, but I gotta say it ain’t that bad, not bad at all. It’s a bit metalcorish for my taste, but very listenable nevertheless.
Honestly..Ive never felt guilty about not listening to August Burns Red
If you liked Cult of Luna’s new album, then you ought to check Mouth of the Architect’s new stuff. Equally good but in a completely different way.
A few more i failed to mention.
Revenge – Hymns of Annihilation
Verminous – The Unholy Communion (A cool version of Last Supper as cover art)
Spheron – Ecstasy of God
Agonal – A Suffering Complete
Darkestrah – Manas
Graveyard of Souls – Shadows of Life
Slidhr – Deluge
Disfigured Divinity – Zapotectron
Decaying – The Last Days of War
Cannot forget the new Autopsy!!! better than Macabre Eternal
Theres only one Revenge…and that aint them
Most of you probably already know what you think of these bands already, but if you haven’t heard Bölzer and you are a death metal fan… definitely give them a listen.
So far, my top 22 (shout out to Taylor Swift):
Amon Amarth – Deceiver of the Gods
Autopsy – The Headless Ritual
Bölzer – Aura [EP]
Coffins – The Fleshland
Darkthrone – The Underground Resistance
Evile – Skull
Ghostface Killah – Twelve Reasons to Die
Hatebreed – The Divinity of Purpose
Havok – Unnatural Selection
Illogic & Blockhead – Capture the Sun
Immolation – Kingdom of Conspiracy
Imprecation – Satanae Tenebris Infinita
Katalepsy – Autopsychosis
My Bloody Valentine – m b v
My Dying Bride – The Manuscript [EP]
Saxon – Sacrifice
Soilwork – The Living Infinite
Suffocation – Pinnacle of Bedlam
Sulphur Aeon – Swallowed by the Ocean’s Tide
Svart Crown – Profane
The Doppelgangaz – Hark
The World Is a Beautiful Place & I Am No Longer Afraid to Die – Whenever, If Ever
Agree completely about Bölzer.
Bolzer is the best find all year. period. They need an album. However i have no clue how they manage to produce it live. How do they manage to do it with just 2 people. Anybody here seen them live? Enlighten me.
Guh I can’t believe I forgot Bolzer on my list!
Wow, how hasn’t anyone else included Sulphur Aeon…and that means me, too. I loved that album; too bad it’s impossible to get a copy in the US.
I think it’s really good, but it’s not necessarily a “Best” entry for me.
Though to be honest, most people just seem to be listing “Here are loads of albums that came out this year”.
In no particular order
Kvelertak – Meir
Brutality – Ruins of Humans EP
Kylesa – Ultraviolet
Hellcannon – Soothsayer EP
Black Dahlia Murder – Into The Ever black
TesseracT – Altered State
Blood Ceremony – The Eldritch Dark
Satan (UK) – Life Sentence
Intronaut – Habitual Levitations
Amon Amarth – Deceiver of the gods
Nijqahdda – Serpents in the Sky
Within the Ruins – Elite
Tribulation – The Formulas of Death
the ones I most enjoyed:
The Ocean – Pelagial (both the instrumental and vocal versions are very high up my list)
Leprous – Coal
Extol – Extol
The Dillinger Escape Plan – One Of Us Is The Killer
All Pigs Must Die – Nothing Violates This Nature
some other great releases:
scale the summit – the migration
wormed – exodromos
woe – withdrawal
altar of plagues – teethed glory and injury
deafheaven – sunbather
pryapisme – hyperblast super collider
intronaut – habitual levitations
cult of luna – vertikal
coilguns – commuters
clipping – midcity
. Imperium Dekadenz – Meadows of Nostalgia
. Csejthe – Reeminiscence
. Tristania – The Darkest White
. Deafheaven – Sunbather
. Regarde Les Hommes Tomber – S/T
. Magic Circle – Magic Circle
. Procession – To Reap Heavens Apart
. Sulphur Aeon – Swallowed by the Ocean’s Tide
. Uncle Acid and the Deadbeats – Mind Control
. Katalepsy – Autopsychosis
yes love for Regarde Les Hommes Tomber and Katalepsy.
. . . and more love for Sulphur Aeon plus an Uncle Acid mention!
I really like that Imperium Dekadenz album a lot too.
And I forgot Regarde Les Hommes Tomber. Excellent choice.
I just want to interject that I’m blown away by the number and quality of the responses to this invitation for lists. Makes me wish I had the next six months with nothing but the time needed to hear everything I’ve missed that’s showed up here.
1. MAGIC CIRCLE Magic Circle
2. SACRIPHYX The Western Front
3. TORTURE CHAIN Mutilating Astral Entities
4. MAGISTER TEMPLI Lucifer Leviathan Logos
5. ENFORCER Death By Fire
6. DARKTHRONE The Underground Resistance
7. JOEL GRIND The Yellowgoat Sessions
8. PURSON The Circle and The Blue Door
9. LANTERN Below
10. WULKANAZ Paurpura Fraeovibokos
11. KATECHON Man God Giant
13. PROCESSION To Reap Heavens Apart
14. SUMMONING Old Mornings Dawn
That Magic Circle is awesome. Think I need to update my list.
Amon Amarth – Deceiver of the Gods (biased, favorite band)
Dark Tranquillity – Construct
Finntroll – Blodsvept
Lacerated and Carbonized – The Core of Disruption (great band from my hometown Rio de Janeiro)
Rotting Christ – Kataton Daimona Eaytoy
Summoning – Old Mornings Dawn
Vreid – Welcome Farewell
Mechina’s Empyrean has been pretty kind to me.
This new Battlesoul might be creeping into my best of list too.
Holy Christ, I’ll never get through this list, too many albums I haven’t even heard of before.
Only ones so far that have not been mentioned would be:
Andy Winter
Hail of Bullets (yeah it’s not out yet, but it will rule, how can it not?)
The Project Hate – yeah it came out in December, but it was on the day I did my 2012 list, so I’m counting it as part of 2013. LOL
I have TPH’s first few albums, but haven’t heard anything since Armageddon March Eternal. Has their sound changed much?
Sorta I guiess. It’s an amazing album. If you like this song, you’ll adore the rest of the album
Caladan Brood – Echoes of Battle (this immediately became one of my favorite albums of all time)
The Monolith Deathcult – Tetragrammaton
The Zenith Passage – Cosmic Dissonance (SF – themed technical death metal band I stumbled upon few months ago)
Wolfchant – Embraced by Fire (I can’t get enough of this)
Aether Realm – One Chosen by the Gods
Sulphur Aeon – Swallowed by the Ocean’s Tide
Spheron – Ecstasy of God
Wardruna – Runaljod: Yggdrasil
Jungle Rot – Terror Regime
Kalmah – Seventh Swamphony
Not a huge comprehensive list, but the two releases I can’t stop listening to are VHOL and Aosoth.
Hope i’m not to late for the party! Anyways…
Infernal Poetry-Paraphiliac
Redwood Hill-Descender
Anciients-Hearts Of Oak
Cult Of Luna-Vertikal
Encircling Sea-A Forgotten Land
Humanfly-Awesome Science
Intronaut-Habitual Levitations
Light Bearer-Silver Tongue
New Keepers Of The Water Towers-Cosmic Child
The Ocean-Pelagial
Steven Wilson-The Raven Who Refused To Sing
Encircling Sea- Forgotten Land
Caladan Brood- Echoes of Battle
Karnivool- Asymmetry
Terror- Live by the Code
The Reign of Kindo- Play with Fire