Oct 072013

Ihsahn’s fifth solo album, Das Seelenbrechen, will be released by Candlelight Records on October 22 in North America. It can be pre-ordered here. Last week a song from the album named “Hiber” was made available for listening on Soundcloud, and today we get the chance to hear another one. Entitled “NaCL”, it’s streaming as a lyric video and it’s available for purchase on iTunes (here, for US fans).

NaCL is the chemical notation for sodium chloride, otherwise known as salt. Whereas “Hiber” was heavy, dark, and occasionally dissonant, on “NaCL”, Ihsahn indulges the more purely progressive side of his solo explorations. It’s anchored by a punchy, complex, and ridiculously compulsive rhythm over which Ihsahn weaves a memorable melody. All clean vocals this time, but they sound great.

Listen next.



  3 Responses to “NEW MUSIC FROM IHSAHN: “NaCL””

  1. IHSAHNITY! Can’t wait for the whole album.

  2. Sounds like a solid track, I actually prefer this over Hiber (not trying to compare, since both tracks are unique from one another, just this one caught my interest more.)

  3. definitely prefer “Hiber” over this track, but it’s still a decent song

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