Here are a couple of North American tours announced this morning that I thought were worth spreading around. The music in the two tours lies on divergent ends of the metal spectrum, but both shows should be excellent.
This death metal blockbuster is co-headlined by Suffocation and Kataklysm, with Suffocation closing the shows on the US dates and Kataklysm playing the final sets in the Canadian shows. Accompanying those two heavyweight acts on this tour will be Jungle Rot, Pyrexia, and Internal Bleeding.
As the poster up there indicates, the tour schedule hasn’t been announced yet.
Now, changing gears…
Switzerland’s Eluveitie will be releasing a new album this August named Origins, and in support of that new album they will be mounting a world tour that first passes through North America. It begins on September 19 in Baltimore and concludes in New York City on October 22. Eluveitie’s compatriots for this tour will be Tyr from the Faroe Islands and Estonia’s Metsatöll. I’ve thoroughly enjoyed every Eluveitie show I’ve attended and am looking forward to this one, too, especially with Metsatöll along for the ride — they are a shitload of fun on stage.
Origins will be released on August 1st (EUR), August 4th (UK), and August 5th (North America) via Nuclear Blast. The cover artwork was created by the band’s frontman Chrigel Glanzmann. Here’s what it looks like:
And these are the North American tour dates:
Fri/Sep-19 Baltimore, MD / Baltimore Soundstage
Sat/Sep-20 Charlotte, NC / Chop Shop
Sun/Sep-21 Atlanta, GA / Masquerade
Mon/Sep-22 Tampa, FL The Orpheum
Tue/Sep-23 Ft. Lauderdale, FL / Culture Room
Thu/Sep-25 Houston, TX / Warehouse Live
Fri/Sep-26 San Antonio, TX / Backstage Live
Sat/Sep-27 Dallas, TX / Granada Theater
Mon/Sep-29 Phoenix, AZ / Club Red
Thu/Oct-02 Los Angeles, CA / House of Blues
Fri/Oct-03 San Diego, CA / Ramona Mainstage
Sat/Oct-04 Sacramento, CA / Ace Of Spades
Sun/Oct-05 Oakland, CA / Oakland Metro Opera House
Mon/Oct-06 Portland, OR / Hawthorne Theater
Tue/Oct-07 Seattle, WA / El Corazon
Wed/Oct-08 Vancouver, BC / Rickshaw
Fri/Oct-10 Edmonton, AB / Union Hall
Sat/Oct-11 Calgary, AB / MacEwan Ballroom
Mon/Oct-13 Winnipeg, MB / The Garrick
Tue/Oct-14 Minneapolis, MN / Mill City Nights
Wed/Oct-15 Chicago, IL / House of Blues
Thu/Oct-16 Detroit, MI / St. Andrews
Fri/Oct-17 Toronto, ON / Phoenix Theater
Sat/Oct-18 Montreal, QC / Corona Theatre
Sun/Oct-19 Quebec City, QC / Imperial
Tue/Oct-21 Boston, MA / Royale
Wed/Oct-22 New York, NY / Irving Plaza
‘Sat/Oct-04 Sacramento, CA / Ace Of Spades’
I think the Sacramento date must be an error.
Clearly, theres a San Diego date on there as well, so it has to be bullshit.
Didn’t notice that. But yes, that’s case closed. Clearly a forged photoshopped flyer made by a sadist.
Considering it’s at the worst metal venue in the county, I think it still might be real. When tours DO come to San Diego, they have to have a stipulation (i.e. going to that awful venue [Paganfest, Aborted/Kataklysm], or dropping Enslaved from the bill [Amon Amarth/Skeletonwitch]).
But it’s all good, ’cause I’ll be in Chicago by that time. HOUSE OF BLUES HERE I COME!!!
Too bad Tyr sorta sucks, but I saw Metsatol open for Fintroll last fall and they were fucking awesome. Definitely stoked for this show.
Not a big Tyr fan myself, but the other two will be worth the ticket.
At least tell me you dig “Hold The Heathen Hammer High”.
Suffo, Kataklysm, & Jungle Rot on one bill? I’m definitely going to look into the dates for that tour, not familiar with Pyrexia or Internal Bleeding.
A Pyrexia video in here:
Tried the video, but apparently the video must have been deleted from YouTube as when I hit play the screen displayed “This video does not exist” I’ll definitely check them out though
Pyrexia is fantastic. Came upon them accidentally due to their promo being thrust upon my inbox.
dammit, i really, really, really hope the Suffocation tour comes through here. that would be awesome!
..just F.Y.I…before everyone loses their minds about the Suffocation tour. People should probably remember that Frank is semi-retired and most likely wont be doing the vocals on any destinations that take him too far from New York
Someones got to be the voice of sanity around here