Aug 162015
(If you’re just coming across this series for the first time, the explanation for it is here.)
On this Sunday we’ve got not only a trio of good old songs by a great band, but three old videos to go with them.
I’m surprised by how many people seem to be turned off by Entombed’s change of course when they recorded Wolverine Blues after Left Hand Path and Clandestine. While I do prefer the first two, I like all three of these classic albums a lot, including Nicke Andersson’s vocal turn on Clandestine during what turned out to be the temporary exile of L-G Petrov.
Please…everyone knows Entombed broke up after “Clandestine” never to make music again
The title track off of “Left Hand Path” is such a great song..always loved how they incorporated that melody from “Phantasm” into the music
Kinda figured Entombed would be one of the first ones in this series
I’m nothing if not predictable.
Wolverine Blues, one of the first death metal records I heard. Led me down this left hand path ;>
i love Entombed, and Entombed A.D., i would be hard pressed to pick a favorite album
It’s been too long since I listened to Entombed.
I’d almost forgotten just how insanely great the track Left Hand Path is.
It’s one of those tracks that just leaves an everlasting impression. As if the first four minutes ain’t awesome enough, it just keeps thrilling with close to three more minutes of lurking madness that gives me goosebumps fucking everywhere. That’s a veritable sign of a true classic masterpiece!