I woke up this morning to find a link to this song waiting for me on Facebook, and this note from DGR: “Obviously the most important thing to happen this week and partially why I’m alive. Grooves harder than your favorite nine string wielding plural name band of the week. Also sings better. Probably raps better too.”
We’ll probably lose a few readers because I’m posting this. But you have to understand that it’s almost obligatory that I do it, since more than one of us here at NCS have been writing about BabyMetal since 2011, back when they were not a lot more than a curiosity, back in the halcyon days when Phro made our site more deranged.
This song, “Karate“, comes from the band’s new album Metal Resistance, which will be released on Fox’s Day (April 1). If you’re like DGR and find that you can’t live without this song, it’s available on iTunes now.
I mean, not every song is great, but tracks like “Megitsune” and “Headbangya” are goddamn bangers. I will be getting this day and date, and if they ever come to my neck of the woods, I will pay to see them live.
I miss Phro.
I do too. Since I’m friends with him on FB I can report that he is alive and well, and in fact wrote about this song for his gig with RocketNews24 — though unfortunately without references to cum, tentacle sex, and donkey boners.
Where’s that guy who was spamming his website when I really need him?
The very most important thing to happen, not just this week, but today, is the release of Temisto (with some hefty runner uppers.
(Other than that, I’ll just keep my mouth shut, for the most important rule of NCS ain’t the obvious one in the moniker, but the one you can spell out in one word: be-fucking-have. Make that two words. But I forgive your quirks, you darned deviants
It’s uncanny how well you understand us.
Uncanny art the ways of thine pain in the neck visitor.
Babymetal leaves me indifferent, but I love pulling your collective legs with a rude tongue in cheek.
Call me when real babies start playing metal. Than I’ll be impressed
Does a 5 yr old girl playing the drum track of ‘Chop Suey’ count?
No, because shes playing “Chop Suey”
As much as I hate System Of A Down, you are a harder man to please than me, but than again, what else can you expect from someone named SurgicalBrute?
Ouch. Harsh but true.
And damn that little two year old can keep a beat. You’ve heard of fantasy football, now we can do a fantasy babymetal band put together from youtube clips…. no wait, that just sounds wrong… very wrong. I’ll leave now.
Faaar too old. This guy’s hardly two years old: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nvsK9ggeics
Nah, just kidding. I’m impressed
I’m continually amazed at the metal community’s love/hate relationship with Babymetal. If the cosplay/J-Pop hybrid isn’t for you, that’s fine move on. My perception of Babymetal is that it’s a great gateway band to get kids listening to metal instead of radio pop. And people can be as outraged about the lyrics and dancing but if you stop and listen to the music you can’t deny the songs are well put together. Cheers for adding this to your blog.
The heavy metal world gets thrown into a tizzy over bands far less divisive than this. The fact that people are worked up isnt surprising, it was pretty much guaranteed
There’s definitely a nostalgia factor that led to this posting, but even as mushy as I am about memories, I wouldn’t bother (and DGR wouldn’t either) if this song didn’t have the goods to dig the hooks in. I ain’t ashamed to say I dig it.
Nice. I agree with Gipson, their tracks can be a bit uneven, but when they hit they money, they hit it hard
New site sub-header. Thank you.
The only reason I went back to listen to Metal…
Something truly original and exciting at last, instead of endless copy paste.
Same with me. I liked heavy rock in the 70s, but I didn’t like what I heard in the 80s so I basically just listened to house after ’86, apart from a bit of SOAD or Metallica occasionally. But I guess I must have been getting bored with it and then I heard Babymetal, and since that day I’ve only listened to metal!
Those readers you piss off with this article aren’t worth your time. The song and the execution of it is masterful. Babymetal forever!
Ha, we’ve round up a pretty good collection of goofballs in our comment threads over the years. I’d bet we’re not really going to lose anyone over half-jokingly posting a Babymetal song like its a huge deal for us.
You can try to pretend you were half-joking, but I know better.
Something something Gorguts, something something Deafheaven, lost all credibility, etc.
Well fuck, how am I supposed to open my next review now. That’s practically the starting paragraph verbatim.
We’re all fucked now.
Hahaha…way to make a NCS-meme sound fresh
LOL – in the true meaning of the abbreviation.
I don’t understand the meaning of lyrics but there is something about the syllables that makes me feel warm inside, probably sipping tea while listening to this helped.
You’re killing me. Thank you!
You are welcome. But seriously I like the embedded track.
Somehow, I didn’t know about this band until now…
…And goddamn this got my inner keyboard warrior metal nerd all stirred up. All I want to do is start shouting Erosion of Sanity and Considered Dead were the only great Gorguts albums!
Cool track, it’s very interesting looking at their songwriting credits on wikipedia. Names like Kitsune of Metal God and Mish-Mosh pop up a lot alongside many others. I wonder if the girls will eventually contribute?
Based on my very limited knowledge of Japanese idol culture, I don’t they will actually contribute to the making of music. But the lead singer (Su-metal) for sure has a strong nice voice probably for a solo career.
*don’t think
Another band that’s much better than Meshuggah.
Their logo strongly reminds me of Ghost B.C.