May 072017

Artwork by Adam Burke


For those of you visiting NCS this weekend expecting to find one of the Saturday round-ups of new music or a Sunday SHADES OF BLACK feature, sorry to disappoint you. As I mentioned last week, I’m on a short vacation with my spouse and taking a break from blogging, in part so that my spouse won’t break me into tiny pieces.

We’ll be back home by late tonight, as long as the airplane doesn’t fall out of the sky, and NCS will revive on Monday morning. In the meantime, enjoy some new music by Triumvir Foul:


  4 Responses to “BLOG BREAK”

  1. Can’t say I mind the break. I can barely keep up with this blog as it is!

    • I know what you mean — something I think about often. I’m also now seriously thinking about taking more weekends off, or possibly cutting out Saturday posts altogether.

      • Can’t say I blame you. I for one can’t understand how you manage to present post after post every single day. The Duracell rabbit would have to take speed to keep up with your pace, and he’d soon be as stressed out and breathless as the rabbit in Alice in Wonderland.

      • Seriously, take Saturdays off. You’ve more than earned it!

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