Aug 092023

If you’ve been a regular visitor to this site over the last 7 years you’ve seen the name Geist a lot, because over that span of time we’ve published a multitude of Geist song and video premieres, record reviews, and show reviews. The reasons for all that attention can be summed up in a few quotes pulled from some of those articles:

“Coming across like a younger, hungrier, and – more importantly – groovier, sibling to bands like Cursed and Converge, the Newcastle-based quintet strike a careful balance between raw intensity and pinpoint precision….”

“…delivering an absolutely stunning set of pissed-off, punk-fuelled polemic and scalding sonic shrapnel… both impressively tight, yet as raw and fractious as the wildest of riots, every track… detonated like a pipe-bomb flung into the audience….”

Geist unleash some of the angriest, most vitriolic Metallic Hardcore I’ve heard in a very long time, pulling a total of zero punches and taking no prisoners in the process.”

“Through a feral mix of dark hardcore, crust, and metal, they channel emotionally raw and devastating sensations (and bone-busting force) through their debut album Swarming Season.”

There’s a lot more where all that came from, but you probably get the point. We’re very high on Geist‘s music, and thankfully they show no signs of slowing down, because they’re now preparing to release their second album Blueprints To Moderate Sedation in September of this year through Cursed Monk, Black Omega, and Trepanation Recordings. And as you can tell, today we’re premiering an explosive song and video for the new album.

Geist is (L-R): Jacque Read, drums. Ian Hunter, Vocals. Kye Walker, Bass. David Youll, Guitar. Matt Phillips, Guitar.

The song’s name is “Panic Addicts“. You can probably guess from that name, as well as the comments quoted above, that the music isn’t a calming influence. And, well, the video does include scenes of a man being violently suffocated.

Geist launch a furious full-throttle barrage of slashing heavyweight chords, thundering and bullet-spitting drumwork, screeching string tortures, and hair-on-fire screams. The panic doesn’t last long, but long enough to put the voltage in your nerves and suck the oxygen from your lungs. True to form, the song is feral, borderline deranged, but in some ways it’s also as bleak and desperate as a sucking chest wound.

You can get a sense from the song titles that the rest of the album is also going to be emotionally and sonically very intense (and we’ll have more to say about it in due course):

Future Eaters
Peeling Wax
One Less Leech
Vessel of Nothing
Panic Addicts
Help Less
Mass Instruction
Every Aching Bone
Leech Chewer

Follow the locations linked below for more info about the release of Blueprints To Moderate Sedation as we move closer to September — and if you’re new to Geist‘s music, check their Bandcamp to get better educated.




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