Sep 292023

Today the three oldest of old-timers around here (Andy Synn, DGR, and myself) will be making our way toward the California coast to attend a wedding on Sunday of some dear friends, one of whom used to write for NCS. As a consequence, we have nothing planned for the site today, and it’s unlikely I will write the usual weekend columns either.

In a certain demographic at the wedding, including the bride and groom, there will be a lot of metalheads. In the other demographic groups, probably not so much. The entrance and exit music at the ceremony probably won’t include Slayer or Metallica. Probably little or no metal at the wedding reception either, even if someone could find metal that people could dance to. Mosh pits or a wall of death would be fun to see but that probably ain’t happening.

I did look for live music in the area on Saturday night, which we will have to ourselves. I found a karaoke night at an American Legion hall. But hell, it will be better to shoot the shit with friends anyway, lubricated by a few adult beverages.

We’re all looking forward to this weekend, even though I feel somewhat guilty that we’re likely to leave NCS moribund until Monday. And since I’ll be making my way back home that day, I’ll not sure we will have anything then either.

We hope all of you have an excellent weekend too.

  6 Responses to “BLOG BREAK”

  1. I’m sure your words will be missed by more than just me. Have a safe journey and a great weekend!

  2. Congrats to the betrothed! Also, yay, Egon Schiele!

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