Jun 282024

Today we’re revealing the complete cover art for Necronomisongs, the forthcoming fourth album by the black-thrashers Torrefy from lovely Victoria in British Columbia, Canada. As you can see, it seems to portray the performance of a hellish orchestra, stripped of flesh but not stripped of their deathless desire to perform.

In addition to revealing the ghastly cover art we’re also presenting the new album’s second single, “Enslaved New World“, and when you hear it, the cover art will make lots of sense.

photo by John Clarke

From the very beginning of the song it’s easy to imagine the demented revels of a devilish orchestra as the guitars exuberantly swirl, spin, and dart while the rhythm section leaps and bounds. And then, while the bass pulsates with a heart of iron, the vocals arrive with serrated-edge snarls and crazed screams.

The revels continue unabated, the fretwork fast and frenzied yet with an unmistakable sharpness in the execution of such madcap adventures. It’s a kind of brazen and baroque formulation of thrash, backed by a rhythm section that do a fine job getting your pulse pounding, but the band also veer in a multitude of different but persistently diabolical directions.

Torrefy make the music even more sinister, and even bleak, as the vocals become even more unhinged in their screams, before closing with a final breathtaking spin, an extravagant display of technical pyrotechnics and demented ebullience.

As for what inspired the song, we have this from the band:

“‘Enslaved New World‘ is the next track we’ve premiered from our upcoming album Necronomisongs! With every track on the album being based on a favorite book of vocalist John Ferguson, this next one is from the fantasy series The Death Gate Cycle. One of his favorite takes on the fantasy genre; it lulls you into a sense of familiarity with an almost paint-by-numbers fantasy setting and story, which quickly evolves into a vast conceptual tapestry of excellent lore, characters and subjects.”

John Ferguson– Vocals
Dan Laughy– Drums
Adam Henry– Guitar
Ben Gerencser– Guitar
Simon Smith– Bass

Necronomisongs includes 8 songs and 45 minutes of music. It was recorded by Torrefy and Cody Baresich at Circle A studios in Victoria BC. It was mixed by Cody Baresich and mastered by Brad Boatright at Audiosiege. That cover art was made by Blackstory. The album comes recommended for fans of Vektor, Absu, Skeletonwitch, and Immortal.

Below, we’re also including the video stream of the album’s first single, “Of Wind and Worm“. The video gives you a good idea of the high-voltage electricity of Torrefy‘s stage performances, and the music is a full-throttle rush, with vocals of shattering intensity, but threaded with mood-moving melodies, both distressing and jubilant, both grievous and glorious. As icing on the cake, it’s also home to a spectacular extended guitar solo.

Of Wind and Worm” is another sign of Torrefy‘s ability to create music that’s barbarous and yet fiendishly elegant, viscerally propulsive but also head-spinning — and quite memorable.

Speaking of stage performances, if you happen to be within striking distance of Victoria on July 11, make sure you go check out Torrefy when they open for Liminal Shroud and Empress at Lucky’s Bar. And for more info about the album, Torrefy‘s shows, and other activities by the band, check the links below.



  1. Haaaayyyyvvvviiiiieee Maaaayyytttaaahhhlll!

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