Sep 162024

(written by Islander)

As trained self-defense advisers we urge you, before listening to the EP we’re about to premiere, to armor up with ballistic helmets and kevlar vests, and hunker down behind the thickest steal plating you can find. You might also want to have some antiemetics on hand, and a strong sedative available for the aftermath too.

Okay, we’re not trained self-defense advisers or medical professionals, but we do know gutting and gruesome goregrind when we hear it, and that’s what Québec-based Gorgerin catastrophically discharge on their self-titled mini-LP, now set for release by Gurgling Gore on September 20th.

Gorgerin are a new band, having formed just this year, but they’ve got some previous experience, featuring a three-person lineup that includes members of Décryptal, Saccage, and ex-Sediumentum.

Gurgling Gore previews what they’ve accomplished on this debut release as a distinctive sound that “blends the unbridled filth of early goregrind with hints of old school death metal, bringing to mind the seminal works of Pathologist, early Dead Infection and Xysma, along with newcomers Necropsy Odor, Sequestrum, and Septage“.

But of course we have our own preview.

Across these 8 tracks and 24 minutes of music Gorgerin give listeners a big adrenaline rush, but also provide audio nightmares as ghastly and blood-congealing as that cover art at the top of this article.

You’ll quickly encounter both kinds of experience in the opening track “Excoriation Eléméntaire“. Crawling at first, it provides catastrophic detonations, toxic-toned riffage that both groans and miserably yowls, and vocals that sound like hell’s most horrid and hungry goblins. But the song also undergoes spasms, with drums clattering, deathly gutturals barking and vomiting the words, and the massive riffs jabbing as well as moaning.

The music is stunningly heavy, queasily infectious, ruinously destructive, and utterly foul and ferocious in the vocal department, like a tag-team of malignant monsters bellowing, gurgling, and screaming, each demanding to be heard.

As the record proceeds, the abyssal tones of the stringed instruments continue vibrating like radioactive sewage, the drums continue battering and bruising with maniacal intent, and holy hell, it’s hard to think of vocals anywhere that are this hideously macabre.

Over and over again, the band also demonstrate their perverse aptitude in making the songs infectious as well as ghastly. Periodically, crazed and cruel screaming and blurting tones spear or spiral out of the roiling and raking morass of sound, and the music rapidly jolts as well as heaves. The sharp crack of the drums, like gunshots and slaps, contrasts with the turgid meatiness (rotten meat, of course) of the guitar and bass.

Frenzies occur — an audio mix of frothing effluent and devouring beasts — but so do subterranean earthquakes and mammoth stomps. The band make bombing runs with bunker-busting impact and the music also contorts, like massive distended slugs fattening themselves on corpse-flesh, and mauls like high-speed tank attacks.

You will have chances to pump your heads like pistons, even though the band are routinely churning your guts, smashing many large things into fragments, and fueling nightmares for many nights to come, with a kind of fast-veering abandon.

And that point is worth underscoring: These songs really are well constructed and dynamic. They sound utterly monstrous and mad, disgusting and deviant, authentically foul and ferocious, but there’s ingenuity in their preparation and execution. Discover for yourselves:



Guitar/vocals – Leo
Bass – Math
Drum/pitch shifted vox – Nate

Gurgling Gore will release the EP on CD, cassette tape, and digital formats. Pre-orders are available now:




  1. Toujours heureux de découvrir des bands du Québec sur ce site! Merci Islander!

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