Sep 172024

hideous cover art by Lucas Korte

(written by Islander)

Reckless manslaughter is a crime that would send you to prison for a very long time, unless you’re listening to the music of Reckless Manslaughter, which isn’t a punishable offense in most jurisdictions — at least not yet.

It must be said, however, that the forthcoming fourth album of this German death metal band, aptly entitled Sinking Into Filth, often sounds like intentional homicide (and the mutilation of the victims) rather than the recklessly negligent taking of life — as well as a descent into horrid depths where souls stripped of flesh now suffer.

You’ll see what we’re getting at when you listen to the song we’re premiering today in advance of the new album’s joint release by Memento Mori and Fucking Kill Records. The name of this evil song is “Befouled Commandments“.

This ruthlessly compact atrocity makes immediate impressions — ugly and violent ones. The roiling riffage is despicably filthy in tone and crazed in execution. The bass sounds like the frantic vibrations of an immense sewer pipe. The drums clatter and batter with freakish abandon. And the vocals are monstrously ravenous.

But the song also reveals a gruesome dynamism. The vortex-like riffing, which spins like whirlpools of acid, grit, and human effluent, also abates in favor of lurches and stomps, audio golems come to life. And near the end, a guitar solo miserably rings, clear in comparison to the corrosive foulness of the riffing and eerily wretched in its mood.

On October 21st Memento Mori will release Sinking Into Filth on CD, while Fucking Kill will handle the LP vinyl release. They recommend it for maniacal fans of Bolt Thrower, Finland’s Demigod, Benediction, Asphyx, and Sinister — and of course to anyone who has relished the depredations of Reckless Manslaughter‘s previous releases.

For more info about the album, check the locations linked below. And also be sure to listen to the new album’s first single, “Retreat Into Nothingness“. It too is a strikingly ruinous experience, but even more steeped in agony, more nightmarish, more massively mauling, and more heartlessly bludgeoning than the song we’ve just premiered.




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