Feb 132025

(written by Islander)

Last fall the Montreal outfit Chüzo released an EP named M.T.M.D (Maximum Threshold, Minimum Decay). It was intended to introduce the world to their new lineup (still intact today), which features an internationally sourced group of Taiwanese/Brazilian transplant Mischa M on vocals, first-generation Chilean Canadian and mastermind Cristian S. on guitars and vocals, Carlos G from Venezuela on drums, and Alex S from Russia on bass.

The EP also served a second and even more important purpose — to introduce the world to the nature of their new music, a blender of grindcore, Swedish death metal, thrash, and hardcore punk that they named “Aggro Metal.”

To help spread the word about Chüzo in their new incarnation and the M.T.M.D EP, what we have for you today is the premiere of a video for the record’s third and final song, “Bruised and Broken,” which is a good description of how the song and video will leave you.

L to R: Alex S (Bass), Cristian S (Guitars/Vocals), Mischa M (Vocals), Carlos G (Drums)

Here’s how Chüzo introduce the song:

“This track is about being pushed, provoked, and instigated to the point of no return. When in life one encounters certain individuals whose existence is to only make you angry and enraged; to bully you and disrespect you beyond aggravation, and the inevitable result that losing your temper and seeing red does to the individual being provoked and instigated is what this track is about. The utter destruction and devastation that awaits the foolish person who dares to provoke a person who has been pushed to the edge of human insanity; fuck around and find out!”

The band have also provided an intro to the video: “This video was made by CHÜZO and edited by our bad ass drummer Carlos Gutierrez. It shows the rise of the Mark III formation in several shows and also the whole band utterly destroying random objects as a bonding experience in a ‘rage cage’ room.”

In line with what Chüzo have said, “Bruised and Broken” is definitely a rager. Mischa and Christian belt out the words in a tandem of furious screams and monstrous roars. Behind them, the song discharges high-speed percussive obliteration and punk beats, a violent churn of high-grit riffage, and bowel-loosening bass-quakes.

The band also work in mean-eyed slashing chugs, a brutalizing breakdown that seems to get more thuggish but no less head-hooking as the seconds pass, an explosion of boiling and battering grindcore mayhem, and another hardcore beatdown that’s probably a sure-fire mosh trigger in a live show — with Mischa‘s screaming voice still coming for your throat with no-holds-barred intensity.

Just this one song proves that for Chüzo the label “Aggro Metal” isn’t false advertising. It’s a gut-slugging, bone-smashing, vocally blistering, and viciously eviscerating outburst, and it also proves to be a pretty addictive piece of rage-fueled catharsis too.

Speaking of live shows, the video gives a good sense of what the band’s live sets are about, and a good sense of how much fun they had beating the shit out of things in that rage cage.

M.T.M.D was produced by Kevin Jardine (Slaves On Dope, Uplift Recording Studio) and features artwork design by  @draught. It’s recommended for fans of Sepultura (Cavalera Bros era ’84-’96), At the Gates, Napalm Death, Slipknot, and Fuck the Facts. Get more info via the links below.

Also below you’ll find Chüzo‘s video for another song off the EP, “Brand New Cell” – a track about “dedicating your life to achieving vengeance upon your enemies, yet sacrificing your life, your loved ones, and your own sanity to get your revenge.”

Bandcamp – https://chuzomtl.bandcamp.com/album/m-t-m-d-maximum-threshold-minimum-decay
Digital (Spotify) – https://distrokid.com/hyperfollow/chzo/mtmd
YouTube – https://youtu.be/jqCdfYwDev4


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