Mar 212025

(written by Islander)

Let’s address the elephant in the room right quick: Rahvira are NOT a Nazi band, despite the conclusion you might leap to based upon the title of the song we’re premiering. The word aryan has a history and meaning far more ancient than the grotesque appropriation of it that the Nazis made.

The Holocaust was also not the first genocide of the 20th century. That horrid distinction goes to the Ottoman Empire’s near-complete liquidation of the Armenian people during World War I, an event that’s the subject of Rahvira‘s new album and that even the United States Holocaust Museum in Washington, D.C. devotes attention to. Here is part of what you can find in that Museum’s Holocaust Encyclopedia:

Sometimes called the first genocide of the twentieth century, the Armenian genocide refers to the physical annihilation of Armenian Christian people living in the Ottoman Empire from spring 1915 through autumn 1916. There were approximately 1.5 million Armenians living in the multiethnic Ottoman Empire in 1915. At least 664,000 and possibly as many as 1.2 million died during the genocide, either in massacres and individual killings, or from systematic ill treatment, exposure, and starvation. Indeed, the origin of the term genocide and its codification in international law have their roots in the mass murder of Armenians in 1915–16.

Additional horrific details are available in this article at Wikipedia.

Rahvira are an Armenian duo of vocalist Aleksandr “Arson” Muradyan and songwriter/instrumentalist Tigran Rahvira. Their new album Ghosts Of Darkness will be co-released on April 23rd by Holy Mountains Music (Yerevan, Armenia) and Wine And Fog Productions (Italy).

As they describe, the album “presents the struggles and sorrows of the Armenian people, dedicated entirely to the commemoration of the Armenian Genocide.” “These songs emphasize the experiences, losses, and hopes of the Armenian people” and represent “the determination of the Armenian people to persevere despite the pain and suffering they have endured…. This album is not only a tribute to a critical chapter of Armenian history but also a spiritual journey — from pain to rebirth — that calls upon us to never forget, while urging us to continue living and triumphing, drawing strength from the past.”

With that understanding, we now turn to “I Am Aryan” (it’s lyrics are at the very end of this feature).

The music gets a listener’s pulse beating, driven by feverishly thrusting bass-throbs and percussion that pops and furiously clatters. The melodic riffing is also engrossing — and piercing in its tones — creating an exotically slithering and vividly sizzling presence that rises up in range above the head-moving rhythms.

But as the savage snarls of the vocals come in, the music also shifts into defiant heavy-metal chord chords, like brazen fanfares. The opening riff continues to surface, digging in its hooks deeper, and the song’s surging rhythmic intensity never backs down either, but reaches a new zenith with a swirling guitar solo.

On the whole, the song is a memorable expression of inspiring resilience, but also warlike (in its lyrics, it is indeed an anthem of an ancient warrior).

As noted, Ghosts of Darkness will be released by Holy Mountains Music and Wine And Fog Productions, with distribution by Satanath Records. It’s available on jewel-box CD with a 12-page booklet, and digitally. Musically, it’s recommended for fans of Marduk, Mayhem, Dark Funeral, Limbonic Art, Lord Belial, Graveworm, and Kataklysm.

Check the links below, and also check out the previously released video for the song “Symphony Of Death #1 (Nevermore…)” and the song “Armenian Spirit“. Streams of both are below, along with the lyrics of “I Am Aryan.”




The sky and earth have given me life,
The winds have filled my soul with might.
I am an Arod, yes, I am,
The master of this sacred land.

My body strong, my arms like steel,
My spirit firm, my heart unsealed.
I am Armenian, yes, I am,
Protector of my fatherland.

A son of God, of thunder’s flame,
The weapons of my hand obey.
I am an Arod, yes, I am,
The master of this sacred land.

No tyrant’s blade, no king’s command,
Shall ever chain our fearless stand.
I am Armenian, yes, I am,
Protector of my fatherland.

I am an Arod, yes, I am,
Tigran the Great’s own noble son.
I am Armenian, yes, I am,
A warrior of brave Vardan.

I am an Arod, yes, I am,
A student of the sage Mashtots.
I am Armenian, yes, I am,
A follower of great Nzhdeh.

  6 Responses to “AN NCS PREMIERE: RAHVIRA — “I AM ARYAN””

  1. They might not be Nazis and it’s fine (Iranian one man band Akvan also used the term “Aryan” but they’re clearly not sketchy), but it’s pretty clear that they’re at least die hard nationalists.

    Furthermore, Wine and Fog’s owner is a nazi who also organizes NSBM gigs in Northern Italy. I mean, I understand your good intentions but this release still looks sketchy to say the least…

    • Well hell, I wasn’t aware of what you’ve said about Wine and Fog. I will look into it. If they are as you say, that’s one more label to strike from our attentions. I agree it’s clear that Rahvira are “die-hard nationalists,” in the sense of being devoted to their country (which has only existed as an independent nation since 1991) and the history of their people. I’ve not seen anything which equates or connects that to racism or other forms of bigotry, much less any connection to nazis. If I had found any such thing, we would not have done this premiere.

  2. Yeah, if it takes like 5 paragraphs and an official statement to justify your song title and frankly the logo too then maybe go back to the drawing board lol.

    Also want to say I love this site and I believe the writer posted this in good faith, but I’m giving this one a pass. Keep up the good work!

  3. Hello everyone, and with great respect, I would like to add a thought of mine.

    The described thought described is completely different from the absurd ideas associated with Aryanism during the 1939-1945 period, during World War II, when Aryanism was linked to racial superiority ideologies.

    In the Armenian language, the word “Ari” refers to courage, indomitable will, and the manifestation of a brave and fearless spirit. This perspective aligns with values connected to the history of the Armenian people, the nobility of warriors, patriotism, and devotion to one’s people, homeland, and land.

    Such aspirations should be seen as inspiring and positive, and from this standpoint, “Aryanism” should be understood as a symbol of a brave warrior who defends their values and homeland, without any connection to racial or nationalist extreme ideologies.

    In other words, in the context of this particular song or creation, “I AM ARYAN” is presented as strength, resilience, and patriotism, without any specific political or racial connotations.

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