Another ugly duckling has left the nest, venturing into the cold, cruel outside world to spread its wings. An NCS reader, commenter, and e-mailer of reliable tips on metal news and new music who I’ll call Ben C. has gone off and started his own blog with the thoroughly awesome name of: CHURCH OF THE RIFF.
In Ben’s words, the musical focus of the new blog is “oriented around big manly ball-swagger riff rock”, though I’m sure Ben will be most welcoming to both non-balled and balled readers as long as they’re interested in “face melting and skin blasting” — in other words, readers with good taste in metal.
The blog went live yesterday with three posts. They’ll give you a further idea about the musical direction of the blog. Their subjects are these three bands: Whores, Barn Burner, and Graveyard. I especially liked the title of the second post: “Barn Burner: If Iron Maiden Drank More Beer, Smoked More Weed and Ate More Poutine.”
I also liked the fact that Ben created this tag for the post about Whores: motherfucking. I wish I had thought of that. He also has tags for beer and bongs. All these words will come in handy when searching Church of the Riff for music in future months.
Please show Ben some love. Go visit Church of the Riff today and leave the kind of ridiculous comments you post here at NCS.
I assume our tags are “metal”, “pretentious”, “Thesaurus” and “tentacle-cock”?
Well, yes. Along with “vomitous”, “spleen rupture”, “explosive diarrhea”, “prolapse”, “engorged member”, and “some clean djenting”.
What about BABY METAL!?!?!?!?!
NoNoNoNoNoNoNoNo! No. NO!
*Insert panting and squishy noises*
“glory hole”, “pancake”, “bodily fluids”
“wall of penis”, “coprophagia”, “genital warts”, “rectal bleeding”
Fucking GOOD pancake!
You’re too kind good sir, you can expect everything to stay just as classy (Read: not classy at all) for as long as NCS stays filled with tentacle rape based debauchery.
You’re a koala wearing a flannel shirt now? Not sure if that’s cool or 90’s cool.
When was a koala wearing flannel not cool? Nothing says swagger like koala swagger
Your link no work.
D’OH! Ruined joke is ruined.
Oh well…
The Image
Of course it’s cool. But, is it just “cool” or “90’s cool”?
No Clean Singing: the gooey spawning pit of metal blogs.
That works. (new blog sub-header has been chosen)
Totally just got that image from Two Towers when the Uruk-Hai come bursting out of their goo sacs and then rip some poor goblins head off.
That’s my Thursday.
But at the same time, it seems to also be like a retirement home for laid-off former blog writers…
Added to my Google Reader. Love me some riffs. Also love the blog name and the theme, which is a bit different than one might expect for a rock/metal blog but is very clean and pleasant.