So, we begin. This is the first installment of this year’s list of the most infectious extreme metal songs, as determined by yours truly in his sole, defective discretion. To understand what this list is all about and how it was compiled, you may read the Introduction via this link.
Although my grand plans for how to begin this series were briefly derailed (as recounted here), I’ve bounced back. I still get to use my original pick for the second song in this Part 1 and I’ve found another song from the list of winners that will do nicely as a complement. I doubt it will shock anyone to learn that we’re starting with . . . death metal.
The first song featured today is by a Polish band called Nomad and it comes from their fourth full-length album, Transmigration of Consciousness, released in March of this year. I originally came across this band through a MISCELLANY post in February, in part because the band includes guitarist Seth from Behemoth, and then I later reviewed the album as a whole (here). To crib from that review, the album is “a kind of death-metal rave, a seamless flow of syncopated rhythms and synth-driven interludes that effectively combines elements of melodic black metal, industrial metal, and tyrannical death.”
The first song from the album that I heard remains my favorite. It’s called “Identity With Personification” and it makes for a nice ass-kicking launch to this series. Continue reading »