Feb 102025

(written by Islander)

The well-known descriptor “caveman death metal” connotes big dumb knuckle-dragging riffs, big dumb indecipherable grunts, and club-wielding drumwork that also seems primarily designed to break rocks. No pretense, no sophistication, no appeals to our higher faculties, just red meat for the reptile brain.

Sometimes, however, music that attracts that descriptor reminds of the long-running Geico commercials in which cavemen in modern settings become offended by the phrase “It’s so easy a caveman could do it,” because they are actually more sophisticated than their appearances suggest.

Which brings us to Cavernous Maw, a new Minnesota-based project created by guitarist/vocalist Niilo Smith (Sky Island) and drummer Ben Fagerness (Sky Island, Graveslave, Gloryhole Guillotine). Outwardly, they have no pretense — just look at the name of their debut EP (Primitive), the bloody cover art by Misanthropic-Art, their own proud brandishing of the “caveman death metal” label (though they do add “blackened” to that descriptor), and of course the band’s own name.

But their music turns out to be a whole lot more than a good soundtrack for breaking rocks and clubbing people senseless. Continue reading »

Feb 072025

Anyone who’s been paying attention to extreme metal for more than a few months knows that Everlasting Spew Records is one of the most dependable curators of dreadful, demented, disturbing, and devastating music out there. To their burgeoning roster, they have now added the thoroughly demented and impressively ingenious death metal quintet Metaphobic from Atlanta, Georgia.

What now lies ahead of us is the band’s debut album, the perfectly named Deranged Excruciations, which Everlasting Spew has set for release on February 28th. What lies ahead of you even more closely is today’s premiere of a song from the album named “Execration” — also very well named. Continue reading »

Feb 072025

(written by Islander)

When you hear the name Bordeaux the first thing that will probably pop into your mind is world-class wine, and perhaps physical beauty both natural and man-made if you’ve ever been there. If anything else jumps to mind, it’s probably not death metal — though that will change after you listen to Monde Vide, the debut album from Bordeaux-based Mortuaire.

This group is fairly new, with only a 2022 EP in their discography so far, but its lineup includes musicians from well-known bands, among them Year of No Light, Bombardement, The Great Old Ones, Monarch!, and Faucheuse. Their debut album is now set for release on March 7th by World Eater Records, and what we have for you today is the premiere of the album’s title song. Continue reading »

Feb 062025

(written by Islander)

Not all bands make music with a sense of place, with a connection to the environment that surrounds them and their experiences in that particular setting. Instead, the music might sound like it could have been conceived and created anywhere. But Salt Lake City’s Harvest of Ash definitely do have that connection. Here’s an introduction from their Bandcamp page:

Salt Lake City’s geography is a study of contrasts. Towering mountains, expressing power and grandeur, meet with desert emptiness – a completely flat limitlessness where barely a shrub is able to grow. Enormous and overwhelming, three-piece doom band Harvest of Ash conjures both the magnificence of mountain ranges and the desolation of barren deserts.

The band’s music is also equally rooted in their own experiences within that environment, including various chaotic calamities that hindered the completion of their new album Castaway, which is now set for release on March 6th. Here’s how they describe the new songs’ lyrical journey: Continue reading »

Feb 062025

(written by Islander)

Allow me to repeat what I wrote about “Gas Mask,” the first single off Drugs of Faith‘s new album Asymmetrical (not that you have a choice): “It skitters and slashes, bounces and brawls, vents the words in a red-eyed fury, and eventually takes off from its punk launching pad into an eruption of grindcore mayhem.”

In other words, after a nearly 6-year hiatus following their last EP and nearly 14 years beyond their last studio album, Drugs of Faith have gotten up off the mat and come out swinging — hard. They have the same lineup that produced that EP (Decay) — guitarist/vocalist Richard Johnson (Enemy Soil, Agoraphobic Nosebleed), bassist Ivan Khilko (Immanent Voiceless), and drummer Ethan Griffiths (Embra) — and their chemistry still produces a volatile concoction of sounds.

Here’s a preview of the album offered on behalf of the labels that will release it on February 21st (Selfmadegod Records and Malokul): Continue reading »

Feb 052025

(On February 28th Transylvanian Recordings will release the self-titled debut album by Stress Test from Portland, Oregon. What we have for you today is Todd Manning‘s review of the album and our premiere of its title song.)

With all the blends of sub-genres that make up the metal world today, grindcore and old-school thrash metal is a combination that doesn’t often pop up. But Portland’s Stress Test make it sound natural, like we all should’ve been doing this all along.

After a brief intro, “Degrees of Violence” vomits forth a tirade of crust and blast beats. The song is 30 seconds long, as it should be, and is awesome in all the standard grind kind of ways. “Coward” follows and at first glance seems similar to what came before. But there are moments that upon closer examination have a thrash feel. Continue reading »

Feb 052025

(written by Islander)

Smoke dope if you want, but today you can imagine what it might be like to pack your bong with ghosts and see what happens when you apply the flame.

The occasion for this mind game is a lyric video for the song “Elogium” that we’re premiering today. It’s the opening track from Inertia Cult, the debut album from Melbourne’s Ghostsmoker that’s now set for release by Art As Catharsis on March 21st, described by the label as “a record of earth-shaking sludge and blackened doom.”

But before we get to that, you ought to first allow your mind to be invaded by a gripping video for the first single from the album, “Incarnate.” Continue reading »

Feb 052025

(written by Islander)

There’s nothing wrong with a very good band sticking to what they know and essentially repeating an appealing formula from one record to the next. Many have done that, including groups who’ve been practicing their craft for long stretches of time.

On the other hand, many of us (most of us?) are more interested in creative types who aren’t content to crank out basically the same thing over and over again, even if it’s appealing. Over a large span of years, that might begin to seem like working on a musical assembly line, where boredom sets in.

Of course, varying a workable formula can be risky, depending on the extent and nature of the changes. What’s fun and exciting for the musician might be confusing and unwelcome to their fans.

Which brings us to Sarkom, the Norwegian black metal band who are now several years into their third decade of music-making, and just a couple of weeks away from the release of their fifth album, Exceed In2 Chaos. Continue reading »

Feb 042025

(written by Islander)

Inborn Suffering came together in Paris in 2002. They released two albums that made substantial impact craters in the landscape of doom, Wordless Hope in 2006 and Regression To Nothingness in 2012, and then they sunk into lightless depths for a long time. After returning with singles in 2023 and 2024, they now have a new album for us that will be released on February 7th by Ardua Music.

The name of the new album, Pale Grey Monochrome, is not an inviting one. It’s more fitting as a description of a winter sky hiding the sun beneath a curtain of slate that stretches from horizon to horizon than as a come-on for new music. It seems to promise a colorless gloom, drab and featureless. There is a reason for the name, but the music is the antithesis of monochromatic, as you will soon see. Continue reading »

Feb 032025

(written by Islander)

Impurist are a new death metal band formed in Hull, England in 2023. Their lineup features former and current members of Extreme Noise Terror, Gorerotted, Winterfylleth, and Introrectalgestation. They proudly proclaim that they have taken influence from the bands they grew up listening to, and they obviously must have grown up listening to violent horrors.

Impurist made their recording debut in April of last year with an EP aptly named Punishment Without Mercy. Since then they’ve recorded a second EP entitled Evolving Cortex. It will be released by 783label on CD, cassette tape, and 12″ vinyl — and the vinyl edition will include the band’s debut EP as the B-side.

The new EP, Evolving Cortex, includes three songs, and we have some thoughts about each of them — along with the premiere of a frightening animated lyric video for the title song. Continue reading »