Apr 042011

I’m about to hit a stretch of time when my ability to post new shit on this site every day will be imperiled. No need to bore you with details, but the bottom line is that between April 8 and April 21, the odds are that I won’t have time to write for NCS every day. We do have some pieces in the works from our regular contributors, but there’s still a risk of missing a day.

I’d hate like hell to have that happen. We haven’t missed a single day since starting this thing in November ’09. So, I’m once again making an open appeal for guest posts. Last time I did this, in November 2010, it worked out great, and I’m hoping for another great response now.

As before, guest submissions can be long or short — whatever you have time to create. They can be notes about a concert, an album review, a piece designed to bring a relatively unknown band to a broader audience, thoughts about the scene or recent news blurbs, something in the vein of our “THAT’S METAL!” posts or one of our other regular features — or anything else that’s related to metal that strikes your fancy. It can even be something you’ve already written for another blog or for your own that you might like to expose to a different audience.

Sending me your submissions before April 8 would be ideal, but not an absolute requirement. If this interests you, a few other things you need to know are after the jump. Continue reading »

Jan 192011

Two words: Obscura, Cosmogenesis.

If those words make you smile, you will want to read this post. If those words make you yell, “FUCK YEAH!“, you will absolutely, positively want to read this post.

You may have known that Obscura will be releasing a new album called Omnivium in North America on March 29. You may even have seen the cover artwork for the album (designed and laid out by Orion Landau).

But did you know that about 4 hours ago, Obscura released a song from Omnivium for the purpose of titillating the masses? We found out via an e-mail from NCS contributor BadWolf, in these words:  “Holy Shit. One song in and it’s an album of the year contender. One word: Opethcore. It exists now. And it is truly amazing.”

Y’know, we really don’t need to say anything more about this song other than to say that we’re just as fucking enthusiastic as our bro BadWolf. Zip on past the jump and hear it for yourselves. Fuuuuuuuuuck yeah. Continue reading »

Dec 032010

I’m about to ruin groverXIII‘s reputation as a hard-nosed metal blogger.

Before I do that, get out your calendar and draw a big red circle around December 21. On that day, The Number of the Blog will celebrate its one-year anniversary. On that day in 2009, groverXIII published the first post on his brainchild. It happened to be exactly one month after the day when we started NCS.

In the almost 12 months that have followed, groverXIII and his talented colleagues have turned TNOTB into an extremely entertaining, extremely informative, content-rich, heavily trafficked home for metalheads. I can’t imagine that anyone who visits NCS hasn’t discovered TNOTB, but if you haven’t, you ought to.

Now, on with the ruining of groverXIII’s reputation. Less than a week after we observed our own Year One birthday at this site, he e-mailed me with an offer to produce for us “a shiny new header for the site’s second year.”

Now, bear in mind that this dude is raising a family, holding down a job, writing prolifically for his own site, and undoubtedly doing all sorts of other things in the operation of TNOTB — and he offers to spend time he probably should have used sleeping to help give us a new look. In other words, groverXIII is one good dude.  (more after the jump . . .) Continue reading »

Dec 022010

We need help. No, we’re not referring to psychiatric counseling. Of course, we do need that, but we’re afraid that if we got it, this site would become as dull as dishwater. So no psychiatric counseling.

Instead, we need help with music. Two kinds of help, to be specific:

FIRST, we’re going to make an attempt to reprise something we did last December — creating a list of the Ten Most Infectious Extreme Metal Songs of the year. After the jump, we’ll reprint last year’s description of what that “Most Infectious” label means. What we’d really like you to do is send us your nominations.

We’ve got our own ideas, but there were a ton of new metal albums released this year, and we sure didn’t hear all of them. Hearing from you would reduce the chances that we’re overlooking songs that really ought to be on our list. Plus, this seems like a good way for all of us to discover some new tunes.

SECOND, without meaning to, we’re on a Finnish metal roll. We certainly didn’t plan it that way, but hey, flexibility’s a good thing, even if you’re not a contortionist. Yesterday we featured Amorphis, and earlier today a band called Before the Dawn. And in one of the comments we got, our UK contributor Andy Synn suggested we have a week-long tribute to Finland.  He may have only been half-serious, but it sounded good to us — so we’re gonna roll with that.  (more after the jump about what we want from you . . .) Continue reading »

Nov 202010

I got back to Seattle from my vacation last night. It’s great to be home, and all that. But to be honest, I had a great fucking vacation, and it’s possible I would have led a very happy and fulfilled life if I had never come home. Ever.

My blog obsession subsided from an insistent, incessant shrieking to a dull background roar. One of the reasons I was able to enjoy myself so much was that so many of you stepped up and wrote guest contributions for this site so that we could continue adding new posts every day even though I didn’t write anything myself. I had lots of fun reading those guest posts, and based on the significant uptick in our site visits during the last week, it’s evident that NCS readers enjoyed the change of pace, too. To all those people who contributed to NCS over the last 10 days, thank you!

Plato wrote that necessity is the mother of invention. Of course, sometimes, necessity is just a motherfucker. But in this instance, our felt need to keep this site cranking along gave birth to a change that was all good — so good that we want it to continue. I’m recharged and ready to dive back into writing again, but at the same time, we want to continue running guest posts. We’ve already received some additional contributions, and I’m expecting more to arrive over the coming week from people who wanted to submit something for publication during my vacation but were delayed for one reason or another in getting their posts to me before I left.

We’ll be running those additional guest posts off and on over the next week, but it doesn’t have to stop there. We want to encourage not only the people who wrote for us during my hiatus but anyone else out there who has an interest in what we do at NCS to send us guest submissions whenever the spirits move you to do it. Let’s keep a good thing going!

I have a lot of catching up to do — even in the space of 10 or 11 days, lots of new music and videos were released, and some interesting developments appeared in the news. So, I’m not going to waste time describing “how I spent my vacation” — except to say that I spent a lot of time looking at clouds. And after the jump, I have for you . . . Continue reading »

Nov 102010

By the time you read this, I’ll be far, far away from the NCS metallic island — but NCS will still be here. Yes, my open invitation for guest blog submissions generated an enthusiastic and heart-warming response. We now have almost enough quality pieces to fill every day of my vacation hiatus — and if a couple more that have been promised come through soon, we’ll be all set.  And if they don’t, I created a couple of goodies before leaving that I can slot in.

What this means is that NCS will not go dark while I’m fucking off in a distant land.We will keep our streak of posts alive — at least one every day since my now-largely-missing-in-action comrades and I started this thing. It makes my eyes moist to think of how valiantly NCS readers stepped up to help out. Our it could be that I’m growing allergic to the lorises.

I think you’ll enjoy what we’ve got scheduled for appearance over the next 11 days. I know I enjoyed reading them. You may enjoy them so much that you’ll petition me to stay on vacation indefinitely. It’s a real mish-mash of topics, from album reviews to Top 10 lists to discoveries of new music to “op-ed” opinion pieces, and more. Of course, the writing styles are different, but I’m pleased to say that many of them use the words “fuck” and “fucking” and one uses the word “poop” — repeatedly. I feel like I’ve been a good role model.

So, without further ado, our first guest post appears right below this one. Thanks to all who contributed. Stay safe until we meet again.

P.S. I’m so fucking glad that Nergal found a bone marrow donor. People stepped up for that dude. You give people a chance, and they’ll step up to just about anything.

P.P.S. If the sketchy internet access where I’m going permits, I do plan to get online once a day while I’m away — at least long enough to read comments and join in the commentary, at least briefly. So add some damned comments to these guest posts, won’t you? Muchas gracias.

Nov 082010

As previously reported, I am leaving on vacation tomorrow. I will not be blogging while I’m gone. To help prevent NCS from going dark until I get back, I put out an open invitation last week for guest blog submissions. I’ve gotten a good response from readers and even a few band members — we will have some interesting shit for you to read while I’m away.

But there’s still room for more — with a catch. If you intend to send me something that we could post while I’m away, please send it to me by tonight. Given how much shit I still need to do before we leave for the airport tomorrow afternoon, tomorrow morning will probably be too late.

HOWEVER — if you’re writing something but you can’t get it to me by tonight, send it anyway. We’ll run everything we get, when I return — as long as it otherwise conforms to the conditions we outlined in last week’s invitation for posts (which you can read at this location.)

Now please enjoy today’s regular, non-nagging post immediately below this one. That is all.

Nov 012010

No, “Impending Probable Hiatus” is not the name of a metal band, though it could be. Instead, it’s an announcement that the year-long streak of at least one post per day on NCS is probably about to come to an end. I’m about to embark on a vacation — from November 10 through November 20 — and the odds that I’ll be able to continue adding daily posts to this site while I’m away are vanishingly small. Here’s why:

1.  I will be vacationing with my adamantly non-metalhead wife. She (barely) tolerates all the time I spend on this blog when I’m at home, and if I try to continue doing that on this vacation, I will probably suffer the fate of John Wayne Bobbitt.

2.  I’ve been leaning on my two NCS co-founders to write something while I’m gone, but lately they function more as muses than actual creators, and I’m not getting my hopes up.

3.  I know from previous experience that the place where we’re going has sketchy internet access, and when it’s available, it’s slooooooowwww. So even if I could deceive my wife into thinking I’m doing something other than blogging, I doubt I’ll have the patience for it.

But I do have an idea about how to keep NO CLEAN SINGING from going completely dark during that 11-day stretch, and it involves you — because what I want to do is invite you to submit something for publication on this site while I’m gone. (more after the jump . . . including music, of course) Continue reading »

Sep 172010

All of us are at the mercy of forces beyond our control. Every now and then, one of those forces decides to bend us over and give us a good fist-fucking without so much as a reach-around.

Last night and early this morning our web site was down for something like 10 hours. Why? Because our web-hosting service, Bluehost, shut down all of the data servers at one of its two datacenters — the one in Provo, Utah. Of course, they gave no advance e-mail warning of this to any of their web-host customers, no info was available on Bluehost’s own web site, no human being was available at any form of tech support, no automated messages were set up to provide any info. Why? Because advance warning is inconsistent with a good fist-fucking.

Why did Bluehost take down all those data servers? They now say it was because a transformer near their facility exploded and the local electric utility required Bluehost to shut down all power so that the utility could repair the transformer. We’ve found no news reports about this, though we’ve looked. Who the fuck knows whether it’s true.

As of about an hour ago, Bluehost reported on its Twitter account that it had 97% of all the servers back up. Of course, our site was served by the 3% of the boxes that were still down. Why? Because the forces beyond our control were having too much fun fist-fucking us and didn’t feel like stopping.

As you can tell, the problem has been resolved. We’ll have a real post ready in the next hour or two. Inability to access the admin page where we create the shit on this site has slowed us down. Also, we’re too sore to sit down for very long at a time. Thank you for your patience.

Aug 012010

Okay so I know I don’t write as much for No Clean Singing as I should, being a part of the brutal triad of authors and all, but I started watching the new 72-minute pro-shot live performance by Gojira that Islander posted the other day and it inspired me to explain to all of you metalheads out there why Gojira is the best the world has to offer. So gather ’round cause it’s story time. (Explanation after the jump…) Continue reading »