I’m about to hit a stretch of time when my ability to post new shit on this site every day will be imperiled. No need to bore you with details, but the bottom line is that between April 8 and April 21, the odds are that I won’t have time to write for NCS every day. We do have some pieces in the works from our regular contributors, but there’s still a risk of missing a day.
I’d hate like hell to have that happen. We haven’t missed a single day since starting this thing in November ’09. So, I’m once again making an open appeal for guest posts. Last time I did this, in November 2010, it worked out great, and I’m hoping for another great response now.
As before, guest submissions can be long or short — whatever you have time to create. They can be notes about a concert, an album review, a piece designed to bring a relatively unknown band to a broader audience, thoughts about the scene or recent news blurbs, something in the vein of our “THAT’S METAL!” posts or one of our other regular features — or anything else that’s related to metal that strikes your fancy. It can even be something you’ve already written for another blog or for your own that you might like to expose to a different audience.
Sending me your submissions before April 8 would be ideal, but not an absolute requirement. If this interests you, a few other things you need to know are after the jump. Continue reading »