Sep 012024

(written by Islander)

Sometimes when I compile these Sunday selections I plan ahead, doing lots of listening days in advance and narrowing the choices to a set before starting to peck out the words. Other times I wing it — listening, picking, and writing as I go, not knowing what the collection will look like until I just run out of time. This is one of those days.

So you could say that today’s collection is far more randomized than would be ideal. But the truth is, they’re always random. I can never listen to everything; I always have to reach a stopping point; and worthy releases always get neglected.

That would cause severe anxiety if I thought this site were the sole filter or funnel for new black and black-ish metal (or metal of any other kind), but of course that’s not true. People discover new music in a multitude of other ways (even if some of those will lead you astray), and eventually I remember that and the shakes go away… eventually. Continue reading »