(The subject of this latest recommendation and review by Vonlughlio is the new album by the Dutch band Buried, which was released on February 14th by Brutal Mind.)
Today I have the opportunity to write about a project from the Netherlands named Buried who have been around since 2013 and just released their debut album Oculus Rot via Brutal Mind. Before this release they had a 2013 EP Tenebrous that I have not had the chance to listen to. Therefore, coming into this new album I had no conception of what they would sound like.
However, I did know that three of their members were part of the legendary band Pyaemia, who are held in the BDM community as a classic band due to their 1998 EP Cranial Blowout and their 2001 album Cerebral Cereal. That material is highly regarded as a pure representation of what BDM was at the time of its release. To this day the material is loved and considered as among the great releases of all time in the genre. Continue reading »