Oranssi Pazuzu – photo by Rainer Paananen
Look at this, a true rarity: two NCS posts on a Saturday. If you haven’t yet read the first one, Andy‘s Synn Report for the merry month of May, you should do that (here) and then come back for what follows below.
If you had only listened to three new songs this past week it would be easy to choose what to recommend and to explain why. You’d pick three, two, or one of them. Or maybe you’d just keep quiet if they left you lifeless.
But what if you had listened to 20 new songs? How would you choose among then? Maybe you would listen to all 20 several times and then start ranking them. By the time you’d narrowed it down, the day would be gone. Which is why I didn’t do any of that with the 20 new songs I wanted to hear for purposes of this roundup.
What I did instead was to focus on singles from a few bands who have already proved themselves dependable (there were other such bands on that list of 20, so mood and impulse played a role too), and then took one chance on a newcomer to these ears. Continue reading »