(written by Islander)
At least on the global stage, our sense is that the Armenian extreme metal scene has gone relatively unnoticed. And that includes our own site: We try hard to look beyond the usual landscapes of North American and Western European extremity, but a search of our posts reveals that in our 15+ years of existence we’ve only written about seven Armenian metal bands — ARTE-X, Eternally Scarred, Ildaruni, Basturma, Garhelenth, Temple of Demigod, and Dogma. That’s probably more often than many sites devoted in whole or in part to extreme metal, but it’s still a number dwarfed by our coverage of music from many other locales.
In the case of Armenian metal, ignorance is not bliss, because even the relatively small sampling across our own pages reveals a lot of talent. And today we have another case in point — the eighth time we’ve written about an Armenian band, and this time it’s the gnarly and galvanizing death metal quartet Exileth. Continue reading »