Sep 092022

Today the Norwegian band Féleth are releasing the second single from their new album Divine Blight, which will be released by Rob Mules Records on November 11th, and we’re presenting a first listen here to help spread the word.

Today’s new song is named “Avarice“, and it’s the track that closes the album. It was preceded by the debut of the album opener, “Majesty“, and thematically the two are connected. As the band explain, “‘Majesty‘ describes the rise of a diabolical king-like entity who corrupts, oppresses and kills everyone. The ‘king’-persona is basically humankind fucking itself up”.

When the album reaches its end after many musical twists and turns, “Avarice” returns to that king-like figure from “Majesty“, “declaring war on everything and itself”. As the band explain, “The hook is written in the first person from the view of the general greed and hate that lies in the hearts of men. But grimmer.” Continue reading »