Nov 152023

Roughly two years ago we premiered the debut album from the Swedish black metal band Hinsides (whose name means “Beyond” in English). We spilled a great volume of words about that album, beginning with these:

“The album’s name is Under Betlehems brinnande stjärna, and it is a confluence of surprises that create what might seem to be paradoxical results, harboring music that at first blush is so willfully abrasive it might repel rather than attract, but turns out to be exhilarating and unexpectedly enthralling — even magical.”

Now we’re very happy to spread the word that Hinsides is returning with a second full-length, ushered from an infernal realm into our own by Shadow Records and Regain Records. The name of this one is Hinsides h​ö​rs dj​ä​vulsklockans urklang, which can be rendered in our own mother tongue as “From beyond the ancient chime of the devil bell is heard,”, and what we have for you today is the debut of its title track. Continue reading »

Jul 052021


Last year Shadow Records introduced denizens of the underground to the Swedish black metal band Hinsides (which is the solo project of Ultra Silvam’s M.A.), through a split release with Monstraat. Only two Hinsides songs were presented, but enough to make a fiendishly promising impression. From there Hinsides went on to complete work on a debut album, which the same Shadow Records is now set to release on July 9th.

The album’s name is Under Betlehems brinnande stjärna, and it is a confluence of surprises that create what might seem to be paradoxical results, harboring music that at first blush is so willfully abrasive it might repel rather than attract, but turns out to be exhilarating and unexpectedly enthralling — even magical. Continue reading »