Jun 172024

The ongoing revival of “old school death metal”, which in fact is the refurbishing of many schools, continues apace with the impending release of the second album by the Spanish band Intolerance.

Intolerance are a Zaragoza-based group who have already proven their ability to breath new life into the hideous old genre, building their own throne of putrefying skulls with a 2016 demo, a 2020 EP, their first album Dark Paths of Humanity (2022), and now a new full-length monstrosity aptly named Waking Nightmares of an Endless Void which will be co-released on July 22nd by Memento Mori and Godz Ov War Productions.

For more concrete reference points, the PR materials for the album refer to a solid foundation influenced by early Bolt Thrower, Grave, Asphyx, Morgoth, Entombed, Convulse, Obituary, and Unleashed, but now embellished with “ever-darker hues and an almost-evil melodicism” that “puts them closer to the likes of classic Unanimated, Dismember, Hypocrisy, Desultory, and earliest Necrophobic“.

But as concrete reference points go, nothing beats the music itself, and we have some of that for you today as we premiere the new album’s fourth track, “Rite of Passage“. Continue reading »

Apr 052022

Although we have no special insight into why this Spanish death metal band chose Intolerance for their name, we might guess from the music that they have no tolerance for weakness or mercy, nor for the manifold failures of humanity. Instead, their rank and rabid revels seem fueled by revulsion and rage. They see with clear eyes the Dark Paths of Humanity, and have so named their forthcoming debut album.

To be fair, the past for them is not a total graveyard of degradation and disappointment. They follow an inspirational beacon lit in the late ’80s and early ’90s by such bands as Bolt Thrower, Grave, Asphyx, Morgoth, Entombed, Convulse, Obituary, and Unleashed. That’s a broad swath of music from a now-hallowed age, and somehow Intolerance pay homage to all of it in crafting music that’s grimy and gritty, morbid and malicious, creeping and crazed.

In other words, they damned well know what they’re doing, and they do it damned well — as you’ll discover through the song we’re premiering today, which proclaims “Death Before Slavery“. Continue reading »

Feb 242022


We’re just a heavy-music site, but it’s hard to ignore what’s happening in Europe right now as the world takes another big step backward into a darker time. That has influenced my musical choices in this collection. The song titles and some of the album titles seemed particularly appropriate. As always, the music streams are mostly brand new, and very good, and varied enough to suit many tastes.


The first song is a hard-charging, emotionally fiery, and ferocious track, with a glorious guitar solo in the mix — and of course it’s a well-earned exception to our rule about singing. Excellent video too. “Save Us” comes from Evergrey‘s new album A Heartless Portrait (The Orphean Testament), out May 20 via Napalm Records. Continue reading »