(Here’s Andy Synn‘s review of the new album by King Apathy (formerly Thränenkind), which will be released on February 22nd by Lifeforce Records.)
Considering how busy I am these days, and just how much various other priorities are cutting into my writing time at the moment, I came very close to not reviewing this album at all, especially since our friends over at AngryMetalGuy published their own review earlier this week, which largely encapsulated my own thoughts and feelings already.
But then I realised two things.
Firstly, there’s no guarantee that our readers all read AMG, and I wouldn’t want them to miss out on the opportunity to give this album, and this band, a fair shot.
And, secondly, writing about Wounds gives me the chance to go off on one of my world-famous digressions, in this case about the importance (and potential impact) of picking the right, or wrong, genre tag(s)… Continue reading »