Jun 262024

(Below you will find Comrade Aleks‘ interview with the very enthusiastic Doom Lord from the Polish doom band Metallus, who have a double-album to their name so far and a lot more to come.)

Funeral of the Sun is the first and very ambitious work of the relatively young Polish doom team Metallus formed by Doom Lord (bass, vocals), War Drum (drums!), and Hell’s Mage (guitars, vocals) in around 2018. The guys decided to start with a double album, the total duration of which exceeds an hour and a half. It contains quite a lot of traditional doom metal with very epic influences.

For example, the first track is the genre’s textbook “Witches Hammer”, which incorporates all the necessary elements of traditional doom. There are painful leisurely riffs, a short mid-tempo break that dispels drowsiness, heroic clean vocals, and lyrics that exaggerate clichés about a witch hunt. On the other hand, the massive “Great Hall of the Battle Hammer Cult” is a bit more entertaining, where you can feel the hammer-hearted Bathory’s influences set on a Sabbathian classic sound. This eleven-minute epic has a decent array of hooks, but you’ll need patience to get through each one. There’s a play on the atmosphere of the Lovecraftian issue “Shadow Over Innsmouth”, and that’s my favorite track in the album… Guess why!

So what do we have here? We have here the interview with Doom Lord, so let’s get down to business finally. Continue reading »