Oct 012024

(A festival, a move between towns, and a hurricane have slowed but not stalled Daniel Barkasi‘s preparation of monthly album reviews, and today he rejoins us with a selection of eight recommended albums that saw the light of day in August.)

This is the summer that doesn’t end. Yes, it goes on and on, my friend. Yeah, I’m making my own version of the song from Lamb Chop. If you don’t know the one, I weep for your childhood, but also give a nod to your sanity. The song doesn’t end, after all. Here in the swamp that is Florida, Summer doesn’t really end a whole lot. Maybe that’s why I listen to The Midnight so much – their album Endless Summer is where the title of this column is coming from, after all. We’re not here to speak about synthwave – though that’s a subject that this guy could go on about in perpetuity. Continue reading »