(Andy Synn finds that the new album from Oubliette, out now, is far from torturous)
There are a lot of bands out there that I happen to think are over-hyped and overrated.
But this isn’t about them.
This is about a band who’ve yet to receive anywhere near the attention and acclaim for their music – a stunning blend of scorching intensity, soaring melody, and scintillating technicality which bridges the gap between Panopticon and Insomnium while still adding its own distinctive flair and flavour – which they so richly deserve.
And, I’ll cop to it, some of that is our fault, as although we’ve featured the band here a few times over the years, this is the first time any of us has actually managed to find time to sit down and give them a full write-up.
So let’s make it count, shall we?