Hailing from Mumbai, India, Primitiv is a death metal band originally conceived by Riju Dasgupta and Rajarshi Bhattacharyya, who were formerly bandmates in Albatross and Workshop. The idea was to create death metal that would be extremely old school — so old school, in fact, that it would be… primitive… like an evil blend of doom and death metal from the Stone Age.
The band’s current line-up now includes three other members besides the two founders, and they too are participants in other groups: Nitin Rajan (Sledge, Morticide), Kiron Kumar (Hellwind, Colossus) and Pushkar Joshi (Blood Meridian). In 2016 Primitiv released their debut album, Immortal and Vile, and today we present the debut of a live video for one of the singles from that album — “Taurus“. Continue reading »