Many metal bands have embraced science-fiction themes for their music, some of them building entire albums around concepts and story-lines rooted in the genre, some original and some taken from existing novels or short stories. But Rapheumet’s Well have dedicated themselves to their own science-fictional narrative arc in a way that’s unusually thorough and immersive.
Over the course of three albums — Dimensions (2014), The Exile (2016), and Enders Door (2017) — this North Carolina symphonic death metal band built an interdimensional, worlds-spanning narrative arc of conflict and perseverance, with head-spinning music that served the mind-bending events of this weird and wondrous tale, which ranges from “the birth of organic matter to great wars that tear the fabric of space/time”. Now the band are returning with The Elder’s Anthology (Special Edition) which includes selective tracks from all three albums, remixed and remastered, and with revised performances, drawing together the segments of the epic saga they’ve created.
To help highlight The Elder’s Anthology, which will be released by Test Your Metal Records on October 26th, the band have created an extravagant music video for the new version of “Witch of Darkspire”, which originally appeared under a slightly different title on The Exile, and we’re presenting that video today. Continue reading »