Sep 172024

hideous cover art by Lucas Korte

(written by Islander)

Reckless manslaughter is a crime that would send you to prison for a very long time, unless you’re listening to the music of Reckless Manslaughter, which isn’t a punishable offense in most jurisdictions — at least not yet.

It must be said, however, that the forthcoming fourth album of this German death metal band, aptly entitled Sinking Into Filth, often sounds like intentional homicide (and the mutilation of the victims) rather than the recklessly negligent taking of life — as well as a descent into horrid depths where souls stripped of flesh now suffer.

You’ll see what we’re getting at when you listen to the song we’re premiering today in advance of the new album’s joint release by Memento Mori and Fucking Kill Records. The name of this evil song is “Befouled Commandments“. Continue reading »