Dec 072015

Stereogum 50 Best


As part of our year-end LISTMANIA series, we bring you lists of the year’s best metal from a few print zines with wide circulation and from some cross-genre web platforms that get orders-of-magnitude more eyeballs than we do. In the case of most of these other lists, we do this as a way of peaking at what the wider world sees, since our world is very narrow and subterranean. In this post, we’re looking at StereogumRolling Stone, and SPIN. It won’t take you long to read the metal names on these lists.


Stereogum is a music web site founded in 2002. It’s part of the same SPINMusic network that includes the SPIN webzine (featured at the end of this post) and Brooklyn Vegan, among other music-oriented sites. SpinMusic says that Stereogum reaches more than 700,000 music fans a month.

In past years, Stereogum has published a list of the year’s best metal albums, and I assume that will happen again this year — and we’ll pay attention to that, because their staff of metal writers is a good one. But last week Stereogum rolled out its list of The 50 Best Albums of 2015 — not limited to metal. I perused the list in an effort to spot metal names, and below I’m listing what I found, along with their placement in the overall list. Continue reading »

Dec 112014


Once again, as part of our year-end LISTMANIA series, we bring you a list of the year’s best metal from a platform other than our own, and one that gets orders of magnitude more eyeballs. As in the case of other “big platform” lists we republish, we do this as a way of peaking at what the wider world sees, since our world is very narrow and subterranean.

And just in case that goofball who saw us re-post Rolling Stone’s list last year decides to get shit-faced and come visit us again, let me just repeat what’s already in the goddamned post title:  THIS IS NOT OUR LIST. THIS IS A LIST OF THE 20 BEST METAL ALBUMS COMPILED BY ROLLING STONE MAGAZINE.

The article appears here, with accompanying explanations for the choices. My only comment about this list is: It’s not as bad as I thought it would be. Here you go: Continue reading »