Jun 182024

(After a slight delay following the expiration of May, Dan Barkasi rejoins us with reviews and streams of eight selected albums released during that month.)

To begin, a brief recap of Maryland Deathfest. If you attended, we can only hope it was as close to cathartic for you as it was for yours truly.

Having attended a ton of MDF’s in the past – I’ve lost count – this was unequivocally one of my favorite editions. The variety and top-tier quality of the musical performances was profound. Sinmara, Spectral Wound, Fossilization, Altars, Spectral Voice, and Imperialist were all acts witnessed for the first time, and each left a permanent impression. Heavy hitters such as Dismember, Ahab, Agalloch, Sodom, and Primordial each brought an undeniable presence to each of their shows that were wholly different, yet left the same elated feeling.

The biggest highlight, however, is this festival representing a gathering of lifelong friends that haven’t been seen in much too long of a time period, as well as making new friends, all of which we hope to see again very soon. Continue reading »

Mar 242024

Scarcity — photo by Caroline Harrison

Today’s selection of black and blackened metal was partly the result of coincidence and partly by design. Coincidentally, out of all the worthy songs I listened to in searching for selections, many of them were by bands whose names begin with “S”. By design, I limited this column to those bands. Chalk it up to some need for order out of chaos.

Also coincidentally, two of these songs were accompanied by videos that are among the best I’ve seen this year in any genre, and by arranging this column alphabetically by band name, they come first. Continue reading »