Today we have begun a new week of posts at NCS, and thus resume the rollout of our list of 2024’s Most Infectious Extreme Metal Songs. To check out the preceding 7 installments and get an explanation about what the list represents, go HERE.
I don’t have any logical organizing principle for why I put these three songs together in this Part 8 of the list, though I suppose I might have subconsciously grouped them just to keep listeners off-balance. I do enjoy doing that.
This is another example of choosing a song from a band who are extremely well-known and whose 2024 album (Cutting the Throat of God) justifiably garnered a ton of acclaim. Those factors would not alone warrant the pick of a song for this list, because (as I’ve explained before) it’s not really about critically acclaimed music. It’s about songs that are “catchy,” very memorable, or “most-played” — features that are all aspects of infectiousness as I define the term.
As it happens, however, a number of the songs on Ulcerate‘s new album — hell, probably all of them — are worthy contenders for this list in addition to making up an album that has rightly been critically lauded. Continue reading »