(Andy Synn steps into the fray to try and uncover the truth about the new Tomb Mold album)
If there’s one thing I think we can all agree on it’s that the amount of excessive “hype” that goes on in the more metallic ends of the media spectrum – from professionally written puff-pieces to overly-effusive amateur tweet-fests – has gotten pretty silly.
Every new album is “album of the year”. Every new band is “the saviour of Metal”. And so on, and so forth.
It sometimes seems like there’s just no room anymore for the sort of nuanced, constructively critical analysis that would actually add something to the conversation. Everyone’s just out to be the first to market with the hottest take or the most fawning regurgitation of the provided press materials, which makes it difficult to get a clear or honest picture of things.
And when the buzz around an album is as deafening as it was about The Enduring Spirit it can be even harder to know what, or who, to trust.